Feb 012024

Video instructions 1

Play this game!  Use arrow keys to control the cat.  Can you get to the door at the top?

What different things have I had to draw and program to make this game?

 LF1 Saving and opening Scratch work

  1. Click on this https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/205492019/editor/
  2. Click: File – Save to your computer
  3. Close the tab!
  4. Go to Scratch
  5. Click: File – Load from your computer
  6. Don’t forget to save!

LF2 Movement controls

Video instructions 2

  1. Scratch cat script
    1. Make Scratch move up, down, left, right when you press the arrow keys:
      1. You will need 4 groups of blocks
      2. Events – when up arrow pressed…ScreenHunter_155 Feb. 22 08.16
      3. Up = change y by  5 ; Down = change y by -5ScreenHunter_157 Feb. 22 08.17
    2. Test it out by trying to get past the Egyptian god!

Video instructions 3

  • Think:
    • How can we make the cat go a bit faster?
    • How could we stop Scratch going through the walls?

LF3 Follow a path

Video instructions 4

  1. Look at the Roman soldier script – can you work out how it works?
  2. RH-click on the Roman soldier and duplicate to get two more – one for each level
  3. Replace the glide blocks by doing the following:
    1. move it to where you want it
    2. select glide blocks (they will have the correct numbers for x and y)
  4. Test the game – make sure it is just possible to get past by going into the tunnels.  Change the speed of the cat and/or soldiers if needed.

LF4 Makes sprites interact

  1. Scratch Cat script
    1. Add blocks so that
      1. When Scratch Cat touches a soldier, it goes back to the beginning (Clue: , green flag, forever, if, touching baddie, go to…)
      2. when Scratch Cat touches the door, the background changes (Clue: green flag, forever, if, touching door, next background)

Video instructions

LF5 Use drawing tools

  1. Stage – Backdrops
  2. RH click to duplicate
  3. Edit the second backdrop to make a new level
  4. You could also draw new backgrounds
    1. Welcome screen = maze with title of game, instructions and a “start” button (sprite(
    2. Game over screen

LF6 Lives

  1. Teacher DEMO
  2. Variables – make a new variable called Lives
  3. Set variable to 3
  4. Add into the block that sends Scratch back to the beginning – change Lives by -1
  5. New set of blocks = forever, if, lives = 0 , change backdrop to game over.

LF7 Coins

  1. Draw or find a new coin sprite
  2. Make a new variable called Score
  3. Use this code for the coin

Scratch self assessment

Jun 032023

JIT animations

  1. Look at these animations
  2. Create an animation of a positive-value word, eg hope, joy, love, friend(ship), peace, harmony, unity, freedom, justice, service, kindness
    1. Could use JIT drawing to plan
    2. Difference between moving and adding animation
  3. ** Create an animation of a sporting action – could use the example sheets

Success steps:

  • Coloured background
  • At least 20 screens – maybe a lot more…
  • Very small changes
  • Red arrow = copy, add
  • Green arrow = move, replace


  1. Go to gifpaint.com
  2. Work out how to use it and explore the tools
  3. ** Create an animation of a sporting action – could use the example sheets


  1. Log into Scratch
  2. Go to Stick person animation project
  3. On costume tab, right-hand click and “duplicate” to make a new costume
  4. Change it slightly
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make an animation
  6. Press green flag to test; on code tab change wait 0.1 seconds to slow down/speed up
  7. Save project
Mar 232023
  1. Use your Scratch Games Toolkit project (hide some spirtes) or start a new project

1 Main character movement

  • For platform game, use 4, 6 and 7
  • For two player game, add another sprite with different key controls

2 Add obstacles and/or baddies

  • Moving baddies 8, 13, 14
  • Make character react to baddy: 9
  • Could also have stationary baddies to avoid touching

3 Next level / game over

4 Coins / lives / points

Mar 152023
  1. Start a new project (or save a copy of your test project)
  2. Come up with an idea for a game called “Blackout” about a city in the Blitz – think of:
    • The aim – work through levels, get to as many houses and black them out,
    • what characters and backgrounds you will need – main character, enemies – ARP, spies, dogs,
    • controls – keyboard, mouse, 1 player/2 player
    • lives, coins, points, timed
    • levels
  3. Use blocks from Scratch Games Toolkit

Week 1:

  • Make spirtes – characters, doors, coins, movin objects….,
  • Make backgrounds – intro screen, game over, levels
  • Add variables for points, lives
  • Add messages for game states
  • Code ontrols and movement – ketboard controls, gravity, jumping….


  • Code interaction between sprites
  • Losing lives, gaining points, changing levels
Mar 092023

Task 1 – Sign in to class account

  1. Go to Scratch
  2. Sign in: SM-Pine23 SM-Spruce23 SM-Willow23 (listen for the password)
  3. Then “Create”. “File – Load from your computer”
  4. Load your file from ast time, saved in Google Drive
  5. Rename your project with just your name

Task 2 – Games toolkit project

  • Finish working through Scratch Games Toolkit so your project includes everything on it
  • You will need different sprites and some different keyboard controls

Task 3 – Customise

  • We are going to create a game called “Blackout” about WW2 in the Blitz. Make sprites and backgrounds in your Gaems toolkit project suitable for this theme
  • You could:
    • edit existing sprite costumes
    • draw your own
    • search for images to use, save then upload into sprite costumes
  • WARNING – if you get rid of a sprite, it gets rid of all the code too. So just add and remove costumes, not whole sprites.
  • Some ideas: ARP warden, boy/girl character (could be same sprite and player decides who to play as), doors, ration book, houses, cars, street lights, …
Feb 232023

Character movement

1 Walking animation

2 Follow mouse

3 Keyboard controls (up down left right arrow keys)

For a maze: change each one like this:

(If it bmps into the wall, it bounces back in the opposite direction)  Same idea works for other movelment controls.

4 Keyboard controls (left-right)

5 Keyboard controls (forward and steer)

6 Jump

7 Gravity and platforms


8 Follow a set path

Drag the sprite to each point before you choose each block

13 Random falling ovjects


14 Randomly timed objects

9 Sprite reacts to another sprite

I’ve made mine hide, but you could go bck to start, lose a life, score a point…

Next level/ game over

10 Door to next level


11 Game over

Coins / points / lives

12 Collect coins

15 Timer 


  1. Theme your project for a game called “Blackout” bu changing costumes and backgrounds.
  2. Come up with an idea for a game about the blackout – think of the sim, what characters and backgrounds you will need, controls, 1 player/2 player, lives, coins, levels, points, whether it is timed,
Jun 092022

Go to ilearn2 website


MAke a scratch project that does the following:

  • Ask “What is your favourite shape: square, circle or triangle?
  • Draw that shape.|


  • Ask for favourite colour/s as well
  • Draw a pattern of shapes
  • Fill some of the areas with colours
Apr 042022
  • 1 Work on game
  • 2 Try each other’s games
  • 3 Evaluate your skills

1 Work on game

1 Work on game

  1. Work on your own or as a team – everyone needs to be actively coding and contributing.
  2. Create all sprites (characters, buttons, doors, objects) and backgrounds that you need – even if they are just sketches
  3. Choose which Scratch game toolkit blocks you need for your game.
  4. Adapt them to change timings, actions, triggers to suit your game.
    1. Movement of main character
    2. Movement of enemies/other characters
    3. Reaction to other sprites – enemies, doors, coins
      1. new background, respawn, hide,…
      2. Make sure these reverrt back “when green flag clicked”, eg “show”
    4. Scores, lives, timers
    5. Game complete/over
  5. Variables – if you have lives, score, timer…create variables for these. Remember to set them at the beginning (when green flag clicked) then change them when something happens.

Success: I have –

  • Chosen blocks of code to make my game happen
  • Created all sprites and backgrounds needed
  • Read code to check what I’ve told it to do

2 Try each other’s games

  • Compliment
  • Compare
  • Be Constructive

3 Evaluate your skills

Scratch self assessment

Mar 182022
  • Visit this blog post: Scratch game toolkit
  • Try out any blocks that you might use in your game
  • Can you adapt them to change timings, actions, triggers?
  • Are there any other actions that you need to code?
    • Can you work it out?
    • Do you need some help?
      • Other people in your class?
      • Help sheets?
      • Example code (in j2e, shared files, your class)
      • Scratch tutorials? Scratch forums?
      • Mr W?

Success: I have –

  • Made 3 different blocks of code (each person)
  • Made all sprites and backgrounds (may be sketches/blank) as a group
  • Decided as a group on what happens in the game

Mar 032022

LF1 Add a sprite and make it walk

  1. Go to Scratch
  2. Choose backdrop “Savannah”
  3. Add a sprite: Zebra
  4. Click on the zebra sprite and drag out these blocks.
  5. What do you think will happen if you add these blocks inside the forever block
    1. Add them and see

LF2 Add more sprites and code

  1. Add more animal sprites:
    1. Lion
    2. Giraffe
    3. Grasshopper
    4. Snake
  2. Delete the cat sprite
  3. Change the size of your animals to add perspective
    1. Near the front = big
    2. In the distance = small
    3. Change the number to change the size
  4. Copy the code to the other animals by dragging it

LF3 Tinker

  1. Tinker with the code making animals move at different speeds
  2. Add more animals:
    1. Right-hand click on an animal sprite and click “duplicate” to make another one with the same code.
    2. Can you make a herd of zebra moving across the screen?
  3. Can you make the lion move slower?
  4. Safari truck
    1. Download this sprite file
    2. In scratch upload a new sprite from you downloads/Google Drive folder
  5. Extra tip
    1. Use this block to move sprites up and downa level so animals at the back are behind animals at the front:
      1. You don’t need to attach these blocks, just click on them to make them work


C1 Add  African safari music that plays when you click on the green flag

  1. I have put some music in “shared with me” in j2e, your class – go to j2e – my files – shared files – your class
  2. Click play button to listen.  Click on the “i” and then “download”
  3. In Scratch – Click on “background” bottom right, next to the sprites
  4. Click the “sound” tab, top left
  5. Find the music you just downloaded.
  6. Add this code:

C2 When you click on an animal, it tells you some information about that animal or about safaris

  1. This could be using “say” blocks in Looks
  2. Or you could use the text to speech add on
  3. Can you mute the music when it speaks, then start the music when it has finished?
      • Background code
      • Animal code

Safari facts: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/pages/topic/safari

Scratch self assessment