Mr W

May 042021
  • I will make the most of this learning opporuntiy.
  • I’ll be a Thinker by talking about the lesson ideas
  • I will be Curious by asking questions and exploring ideas
  • I’ll be a Responsible citizen by listening well to others, doing my best, encouraging myself and others
  • I will be Resilient by staying focused and keeping going even when it’s tough or I gate stuck or make mistakes
  • I will Reflect on my learning by thinking about how I’ve done and how I could improve


Learning rap

We’re gonna grab this learning opportunity
Posing questions to feed our curiosity
Let’s encourage each other with positivity
Listen, think and focus carefully
Most of all
Let’s be sociable
Sharing ideas
With our peers
Be the best we can, work hard, be true
Reflect on what we need to do

May 022021


  1. Why is the astronaut on a platform for some of the planets?
  2. On which planets can you jump higher than on Earth?
  3. Activity idea:  Mark the jump heights on a wall and label them – imagine jumping those heights on other planets.


Mar 012021

Crosswords and games

Both of these can be populated with questions from a spreahsheet (saved as a csv) with questions and answers.

See below for video tutorials and examples

Wordsearch maker


Crossword example:

How to make and share an online interactive crossword:


Arcade game example:

How to make an arcade game quiz: