Mar 032022

LF1 Add a sprite and make it walk

  1. Go to Scratch
  2. Choose backdrop “Savannah”
  3. Add a sprite: Zebra
  4. Click on the zebra sprite and drag out these blocks.
  5. What do you think will happen if you add these blocks inside the forever block
    1. Add them and see

LF2 Add more sprites and code

  1. Add more animal sprites:
    1. Lion
    2. Giraffe
    3. Grasshopper
    4. Snake
  2. Delete the cat sprite
  3. Change the size of your animals to add perspective
    1. Near the front = big
    2. In the distance = small
    3. Change the number to change the size
  4. Copy the code to the other animals by dragging it

LF3 Tinker

  1. Tinker with the code making animals move at different speeds
  2. Add more animals:
    1. Right-hand click on an animal sprite and click “duplicate” to make another one with the same code.
    2. Can you make a herd of zebra moving across the screen?
  3. Can you make the lion move slower?
  4. Safari truck
    1. Download this sprite file
    2. In scratch upload a new sprite from you downloads/Google Drive folder
  5. Extra tip
    1. Use this block to move sprites up and downa level so animals at the back are behind animals at the front:
      1. You don’t need to attach these blocks, just click on them to make them work


C1 Add  African safari music that plays when you click on the green flag

  1. I have put some music in “shared with me” in j2e, your class – go to j2e – my files – shared files – your class
  2. Click play button to listen.  Click on the “i” and then “download”
  3. In Scratch – Click on “background” bottom right, next to the sprites
  4. Click the “sound” tab, top left
  5. Find the music you just downloaded.
  6. Add this code:

C2 When you click on an animal, it tells you some information about that animal or about safaris

  1. This could be using “say” blocks in Looks
  2. Or you could use the text to speech add on
  3. Can you mute the music when it speaks, then start the music when it has finished?
      • Background code
      • Animal code

Safari facts:

Scratch self assessment

Feb 222021

Here are some Computing and other activities for this term.

  1. Y3 Create a safari scene in Scratch
  2. Y4 Create a Roman maze game in Scratch
  3. Y5 Create a jungle game piece by piece
  4. Y6 Create a WW2 Blackout game in Scratch

Other Computing skills

Use Computing in other subjects

  • Create a Coggle mind map of your topic (See Y5T5 unit)
  • Create an animation using JIT5, Scratch, Gifpaint or an phone/tablet animation app – see Y4 animated story unit
  • Use j2e5 templates or visual tools to explore ideas in your topic or complete topic work set by your teachers.
  • Install Google Expeditions  on a phone or tablet and explore places related to your topics

Other activities

  •     Thinking starters – great for getting your brain going.  Learning Zone leave a comment with your ideas.
  •   Zooniverse – people-powered research – take part in real scientific research on a range of projects
  •    #DoGoodFromHome!
Mar 022020
  1. Go to Scratch
  2. Click on 
  3. Click on this one  
  4. Choose a positive word, eg JOY, FUN, HOPE, HAPPY, YAY, PLAY…
  5. Follow the instructions to bring your word to life
  6. Can you make the animations suit the word?

LF2 Using different blocks

  1. Go to Scratch
  2. file – Load from your computer
  3. Google Drive – double click on your project from last week
  4. Can you make your letters do different things?
    1. Make a noise when you click on them 
    2. Spin around when your click on them 
    3. Grow and shrink when you click on them 
    4. Change colour when you click on them 
    5. Keep changing colour              
    6. Glide up and down when green flag clicked  
    7. Glide in from a random position when you click the green flag
    8. What other ideas have you got?  Can you find blocks that do it?
Mar 052019

LF Using j2e5 tools

Success steps

1 Finish border

  1. Finish your border – see last blog

2 Title

  1. Add the title:  EXTREME EARTH
    1. You could use the cool text website
      1. Choose a style
      2. Type the title
      3. Create logo
      4. Drag and drop to j2e5
      5. or
      6. RH click on the title – copy image
      7. In j2e – CTRL-V to paste

3 Add pictures + text

  1. Search volcano, earth, earthquake pictures in j2e5
    1. resize, position
    2. crop
      1. drag the middle blobs
      2. choose a crop shape
  2. Add words to do with the topic:
    1. mantle, magma, lava, volcano,…

4 Add name

  1. Add your name and class at the bottom

5 Editing

  1. Space things out evenly – no big gaps, pictures paced evenly
  2. Look at some book covers to help you with your design


Feb 272019

1 Making a page border with your own drawing

  • Use this video to help you make a page border with your own drawing.

Success steps

  1. Start a new j2e5 page
  2. Use the drawing tools to draw a SIMPLE picture
  3. Change colours
  4. Use group button – to make it one picture
  5. Move items with the mouse
  6. Use grid and snap
  7. Use duplicate tool to copy shapes
  8. Select more than one item by dragging a box
  9. Be resilient – take care when lining up shapes
  10. Save with a useful name


Put your name in the bottom right hand corner.

Make the page into a topic title page:

  1. Add a BIG title:  Extreme Earth
  2. Use the picture search in j2e to find pictures of the Earth, volcanoes,…
  3. Fill the page
Feb 282018

Finish border

  1. Finish your volcano border – see last blog


  1. Add the title:  EXTREME EARTH
    1. You could use the cool text website
      1. Choose a style
      2. Type the title
      3. Create logo
      4. Drag and drop to j2e5
      5. or
      6. RH click on the title – copy image
      7. In j2e – CTRL-V to paste

Add pictures + text

  1. Search volcano, earth, earthquake pictures in j2e5
    1. resize, position
    2. crop
      1. drag the middle blobs
      2. choose a crop shape
  2. Add words to do with the topic:
    1. mantle, magma, lava, volcano,…

Add name

  1. Add your name and class at the bottom


  1. Space things out evenly
  2. Look at some book covers to help you with your design
Mar 012016

1 Sign up for a school scratch account.  This will let you work on your projects at home but also save onto our school system for me to look at.

  2. “join scratch”
  3. Username: st-marks-bw14 (your j2e username)
  4. Password:
  5. Email – use my email address

2  Let’s make a car game!

How to create a smoking car game:


Apr 152015

Success steps

  • Log into j2e; open MrW’s blog and Scratch
  • Scratch – File – Upload from my computer
  • Help others load their project
  • Know where you are on the learning journey and what your next step is – use sheet to help
  • Use the catch up cards in class if you need to catch up!
  • Be curious, resilient and reflective.

Here is the planning sheet if you want to have a go yourself: