Mr W

Jun 132022

Finish your database

  • Make sure you have enough records in your database to ask questions

Ask questions

  • Create a j2e5 page with questions about your database
  • Clone the page and find out and write the answers
  • Screenshot barcharts or graphs and paste onto the page

Test each other

  • Get someone else to come to your computer and answer the questions on your database


Jun 092022

Go to ilearn2 website


MAke a scratch project that does the following:

  • Ask “What is your favourite shape: square, circle or triangle?
  • Draw that shape.|


  • Ask for favourite colour/s as well
  • Draw a pattern of shapes
  • Fill some of the areas with colours
Jun 082022

LF3 Choose the style of your website

  • Carefully think about how you want your website to look – each page should have a consistent style
  • Choose
    • 1 or 2 fonts
    • A few colours that go well together
    • A layout that stays roughly the same on each page
    • Standard link buttons
  • ** How can you make your website accessible – easy for all people to read, eg visually impaired, dyslexic…?

LF2 Link pages and to websites

  1. Create a header that will be on each page
  2. Create all of the pages you need by cloning your header page
  3. Rename your pages by clicking the pages icon
  4. Right click each page or click the little arrow and rename each page
  5. Link pages
    1. Create a button – could be a word, image or combination
    2. Select – link
    3. Type “# page name” in the link and then “ok”

How many links did you make today?

LF1 Explore tools and elements

  • What makes a good information website?
  • What interactive elements could we use in j2e5?
  • How can you inspire your audience to do something asa result of viewing your website?
  • Topics
    • People that changed the world
      • charity – Mother Theresa, Malala, Desmond Tutu, World Food Program
      • environment – Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough, Steve Backshaw
      • inventors/scientists – early cars, planes, medicine,
    • Nature
      • Endangered animals, animals
      • Habitats under threat – Amazon Rainforest, Antarctica, Oceans

LF2 Create a site map

  • Start a new j2e5 page
  • Put your main title on the page, eg Siberian Tiger
  • start a new page and title it : Site map
  • Click the pages icon and rename these pages: Home and Site map
  • Make your site map page a mindmap of pages that you will have on your website
  • Save your j2e5 page as eg Siberian Tiger website. (Make sure you use the word website)

Future lessons/ideas

  • Share with QR code flyer
  • Embed content eg Scratch games, JIT5 animation
Jun 062022
  • Define tab
    • check you have all the fields that you need
    • make sure you have included units
  • Add records
    • add as many records to your database as possible
    • target 20 – 30

Next steps

  • What questions could you answer using your database, eg putting things in order, finding biggest/smallest/oldest….?
  • What graphs could you draw to show information from your database?
  • Can you show links between fields eg age and number of goals?
May 182022
  • Go to
  • Enter the code on the whiteboard
  • Watch the videos (for Chromebooks/Googe Sheets)
  • Follow the instructions
    • Activity 1 Pixelart
    • Activity 2 Tour de France project
  • At the end of the lesson: Fill out the “How did that go?” form

May 162022
  1. Typing
  2. What is a Thunderstorm?
  3. Lunar eclipse
  4. Make a database
  5. Go to j2launch
  6. Decide on a topic:
    • animals, endagered animals, african animals, British birds,…..
    • countries, rivers, cities,
    • sportspeople
  7. Define tab – set up your fields
    1. Must have
      1. at least 2 number fields
      2. Picture field
    2. Could have
      1. Boolean = tick box
      2. Website link to more info (in a text field)
      3. Sound
  8. At least 5 records completed today
    1. 5 = ready to learn
    2. 10 = good job
    3. 15 = superstar

May 092022

Activity 1 – Video: What is a mindmap?

Activity 2 – Explore Coggle tools

  • Explore the tools on Coggle by making a mind map called The World
    1. Go to Google Drive
    2. New – more – Coggle
    3. Name the central idea: The World
    4. Add main branches for the continents
    5. Add two countires as next branches for each continent (apart from Antarctica)
    6. Add some more branches – maybe cities or famous things about each country

Video instructions for activity 2

Activity 3 – Mind map from a text

  • Create a mindmap about…


Acrivity 4 – talk it through

The tes of a good min map is if you can use it to tell someone else about the subject or even better use it to remember the facts without having to look at it.

  1. Read your mind map several times
  2. Tell someone about Antarctica including all of the facts using your minmpa as a prompt.
  3. Turn your mind map over and see if you can remember the facts.
  4. Try again in a few days time – can you still remember the facts?

Activity 5 – beautify your mindmap

  1. Tidy up your mind map by dragging branches
  2. Try to make it
    1. compact – no big gaps
    2. fit the screen in a rectangle
  3. Add symbols
  4. Add pictures
    1. In Google
      1. Search for a simple picture – should be very simple, use the word “icon” or “clipart” in your search
      2. Save image as…
    2. In Coggle
      1. When typing, click the picture icon and find your picture on your computer
      2. Change the code at the end to 50×50 so your picture is small
  5. Look at a WAGOLL

Activity 6 – Success criteria

  • Information in correct branches – read your mind map to check it makes sense
  • Branches growing in one direction – not toopy
  • Branching/splitting – not one long line
  • Compact – fits the screen
  • Simple pictures – not photos

Activity 7 – Saving to j2e

  • Click download – image
  • Right hand click – copyvimage
  • Go to a new j2e5 page
  • Make it landscape and 50%
  • Paste – Ctrl-v
  • Make your mindmap as big as possible on your page , crop any spare
  • Save as “Antartica mind map”

Other topics:

The planets

Why are rivers important?

Follow on activities

  1. Add more information, pictures and symbols to you mind map
  2. Create a new mind mpa about another topic
  3. How many of these Coggle tools did you use?
    1. Resize text by dragging
    2. Add and delete branches
    3. Add a picture
    4. Add symbols
    5. RH-click to get branch options

15 Creative Mind Map Examples for Students

Apr 042022
  • 1 Work on game
  • 2 Try each other’s games
  • 3 Evaluate your skills

1 Work on game

1 Work on game

  1. Work on your own or as a team – everyone needs to be actively coding and contributing.
  2. Create all sprites (characters, buttons, doors, objects) and backgrounds that you need – even if they are just sketches
  3. Choose which Scratch game toolkit blocks you need for your game.
  4. Adapt them to change timings, actions, triggers to suit your game.
    1. Movement of main character
    2. Movement of enemies/other characters
    3. Reaction to other sprites – enemies, doors, coins
      1. new background, respawn, hide,…
      2. Make sure these reverrt back “when green flag clicked”, eg “show”
    4. Scores, lives, timers
    5. Game complete/over
  5. Variables – if you have lives, score, timer…create variables for these. Remember to set them at the beginning (when green flag clicked) then change them when something happens.

Success: I have –

  • Chosen blocks of code to make my game happen
  • Created all sprites and backgrounds needed
  • Read code to check what I’ve told it to do

2 Try each other’s games

  • Compliment
  • Compare
  • Be Constructive

3 Evaluate your skills

Scratch self assessment