Jan 172014

Our Digital Leaders investigated mouse skills and typing games.  Here are their recommendations.

  27 Responses to “DLs investigate….Mouse Skills and Typing games”

  1. http://www.keybr.com/ good for year 6 teaches fingers

  2. http://www.recordtripping.com/ this is a good mouse game

  3. A good computer mouse game is Record Tripping-A Bell Brothers Game. http://www.recordtripping.com/

  4. http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/texttype2.html good for every year group because it has differnt levels and it shows the fingers you have to type with

  5. http://www.keybr.com/ this is a great typing game. It shows you where to type with lots of levels.

  6. I think that http://keybr.com/ is a good game to practice your typing skills because it shows you where to press and it helps you if get it wrong.

  7. I think http://www.typingmaster.com/games/keyman.swf is a good game because it is a link on from pacman

  8. http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/texttype.html doorwayonline is a good game because in helps you with wich fingers you yous to tipe with.

  9. http://keybr.com/ is good because it gets your fingers in the right place.

  10. http://keybr.com/ is good because it gets your fingers in the right place.

  11. i think all the games were fun I loved the record tripping

  12. 10/10! to ollies coment

  13. What a brilliant game! 10/10

  14. I think game is 10 out 10.

  15. Doorway Text Type 2 can speak the letters to you and show you which finger to use. There are exercises to do to build up your skills. http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/texttype2.html

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