Nov 222020

Watch the video – can you spot my mistake at the end?!

  1. Follow the video to create a petals procedure to shoerten your flower code [1 point]
  2. Create randomly placed flowers [1 point]
    1. repeat 50 […]
    2. Inside the repeat put your flower code and the following random position code
    3. pu setxy  (-250 + random 500)  (-250 + random 500) pd
  3. Create a flower border
    1. Draw a tiny flower
    2. Add some code to move to the right
    3. Move to the top left corner  pu setxy -220 220 pd the repeat flowers and move code
  4. Use colour list to draw randomly coloured flowers
    1. make “cols [“gold, “blue, “red, “white, “purple]
    2. colour item random 5 of :cols


  • Random
  • repeat
  • nested repeats
  • lists
  • make “colours [“blue, “green, “red]
  • item 3 of :colours

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