Jun 152017
Typing warm up
- Log onto typing.com as a student with your Google account.
- Start on a lesson at the “stretchy edge of your comfort zone”
- Only move on when you complete the drill:
- RULE 1: fingers on the correct keys at all times (no floaty fingers!)
- RULE 2: not looking at your hands 0 just look at the screen
- RULE 3: 25WPM or quicker
Video tutorials
- Go to Google Classroom, arrange the success criteria in a diamond nine in order of importance but DON’T hand it in (because you can’t edit then).
- Choose a Computing skill that you have mastered
- Who is your audience: Year 5? 4? 3? A teacher?!
- Practice the skill a few times;
- Plan the
- demonstration – prepare any screens you will need
- commentary – talk to yourself!
- Use your video tutorial j2e page to plan; do a title
- Demo your skill to your partner
- give and receive feedback from learning partner;
- be resilient – act on the feedback and keep improving – GROWTH MINDSET.
- Try out Screencastify
- Edit Google classroom document?
- Reflect on tutorial success criteria?
- Develop a fluent demonstration?
- Give and act on useful feedback?
Next week –
- Record video tutorials using Screencastify
- Clip, save, share videos