Jun 102020
Jun 102020
Jun 092020
Jun 082020
Jun 082020
Jun 082020
Jun 082020
Text from:
South! The Story of Shackleton’s Last Expedition, 1914-1917 by Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir, 1874-1922
Jun 082020
Here’s Nicole’s online composition – send me yours on Google classroom or comment on this post and I’ll include it here:
Jun 012020
Pick and mix starter activities – do at least one of these
- Create a page-flick animation
- Learn about the history of animating – how was it done before computers?
- Watch an episode of Ivor the Engine – think about how they did the animation – which part move/don’t move?
Practise your animatin skills on one of these:
- JIT5 animation
- Gifpain gifpaint
- Animation app on your phone or tablet
Tell a short story through animation
- Choose a short story – Shackleton, a Bible story, an fable by Aesop,…or you could just choose one scene from a story
- Sketch out a storyboard and mini-script to tell the story/scene
- Decide on the following
- How many scenes?
- What moving part do you need?
- What backgrounds do you need?
- If you are using an animation app that uses the camera, make your backgrounds, characters and props for your scene (make them simple, big and bold)
- Create your animation!
Share your animations
- In JIT5 click “save as gif”. Or you could include your JIT5 animate in a mix page with text and audio.
- Gifpain you can save as a .gif file then upload to j2e files
- Phone/tablet app – save your animation and upload to j2e files.
Please leave a comment or contact me through j2message
Jun 012020
I hope everyone is well and had a happy half term. Thank you for everyone who has had a go at some of the activities on the blog or posted on Google Classroom – well done if you have used j2e for some of your work.
Here are some Computing activities and websites to keep us going, wherever we are…
Keep learning, keep active and keep in touch!
Quick links:
Thinking starters – great for getting your brain going. I’m also posting them here if you want to share your answers: Learning Zone
Daily search challenge have you tried one yet?
How to do Google Classroom worksheets on j2e5
Zooniverse – people-powered research – take part in real scientific research on a range of projects
- #DoGoodFromHome!
Computing in Term 6
- If you havn’t done Term 5 work, please do that first
- Term 6 units
- Extra ideas
- Use j2e5 templates or visual tools to explore ideas in your topic or complete topic work set by your teachers.
- Learn how to use Tinkercad and design somethng (see Y6 unit)
- Coggle mind map of your topic (See Y5T5 unit)
- Create an animation using JIT5, Scratch, Gifpaint or an phone/tablet animation app – see Y4 animated story unit
- I’m looking for some animations like the ones here, for example 3,4,5,6 to put on a new website
- Use Scratch or Hour of Code to develop your programming skills.