We are going to make a WW2 Blackout game
LF1 Computational Thinking
- Read CT principles poster
- When have you used each one before?
LF2 Game brief – decompose
A game company would like you to make a WW2 blackout themed computer game featuring, the landscape of a UK city threatened by the Blitz. The aim is to put up blackout curtains in the daytime before nightfall so that the bombers will pass harmlessly overhead during the night. Successive screen will become harder with more windows to cover and bigger buildings. Wardens will be patrolling. You may have to find or buy blackout material. Depending on how completely you blackout the city, bombs will fall. How long can you keep your city from being destroyed – a percentage score could drop after each night of bombing….
- Work through CT principles for the brief
- 1 Don’t panic – understand the problem
- Questions and answers, notes
- 2 Break it down (decomposition)
- Make a list of characters, backgrounds, objects
- What do each need to do?
- Make a list of simple steps – these need to be as small as possible
- 3 Use your knowledge and experience
- In Scratch – remind yourselves of the different types of blocks and what they do
- 4 Create a plan (algorithm)
- Take your steps from stage 2 one at a time and use Scratch blocks to code them
- 5 Try it!
- Test it out often
- 6 Evaluate
- What works? What do you need to change? Tinker
- 1 Don’t panic – understand the problem
Here is an example of decomposing – just looking at the main character, break it down into what we will need to code:
LF3 Drawing sprites, costumes and backgrounds
- Refer to your notes from last week (in j2e – Scratch Blackout Game)
- Draw new sprites and costumes
- Draw the background
- By the end of the lesson, you must have at least a sketch of every sprite, costume and background.
Example video 2
LF3: Triggers and actions
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ~ Ancient Chinese proverb
Take one single simple idea at a time and turn it into Scratch code.
For every thing you want to happen, there are two parts
- Trigger – what sets it off
- Action – what the consequence is
Examples of triggers:
- Beginning of the game
- When keys are pressed
- When one object touches another object
- When one sprite touches a colour
- When a play button clicked
- Other examples in Events blocks
Examples of actions
- Turn the background dark (night time approaching) – repeat, change brightness effect by -10, wait 1 second
- Sprite walking – forever, costume 1, costume 2
- Keyboard controls move right – when right arrow pressed, change x by 5
- Bomb dropping – go to random position, set y to (top of page), repeat 20, change y by -10
- Bomb exploding – next costume, play sound
Example video 3
LF4 One step at a time
- Keep working on little bits of coding
- Feedback – How did that go? form
- List what you have coded, eg boy steps, keyboard controls, bomb drops
Watch – Own it
Key questions
• What are the key messages in the video?
• What did you like/dislike about the video?
• What did you find out about online identity from the video?
• If you were in this video, what would you have said about the topic of online identity?
Watch – Jessica’s wish
Key questions
• What would it be like if we were all the same?
• What’s good about being different online?
• How many ways are we all different online?
• Do we always have to agree with/have the same view as other people?
- https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2020/safer-internet-day-2020-top-tips/safer-internet-day-0
- Padlet activity celebrate differences
Do you like going online? Why or why not?
• What things make us different online?
• What things make us similar online?
• How can we make everyone feel welcome online?
• If you had one wish for the internet, what would it be?
• How can we all make a positive change online?
• What are your three top tips for staying safe online?
- Questions/concerns
- Online safety games https://st-marks.wilts.sch.uk/esafety-2/
- https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-passport
- https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk/interland
Lesson 1
- Check email
- Follow link in email to Google Classroom
- Click the link in the comment to go to form and enter your chosen topic.
- When groups have been sorted – go to Google Drive, create a new Google Slides. Share it with your group members.
- Decide on one persons Slides and work on that one.
- Prepare one slide each
- Simple layout
- A few notes
- A picture or two
Lesson 2
- Finish own page
- Communicate online
Lesson 3
- Agree a style – font size, font,
- Prepare your talking (not reading)
- Work to succes criteria (on Google Classroom)
- j2launch –
- Click on Level 3
- Type these two instructions:
setpensize 5
- Can you draw a letter?
- Use these commands:
- fd 30 (or other numbers)
- bk 30 (or other numbers)
- lt 90
- rt 90
- (Diagonal letters will need rt 45 or lt 45)
- Press play
each time to see if it works – don’t carry on until you are happy with each instruction.
- If you finish one letter, type
- pu (pen up)
- move to a new place using fd, lt, rt…
- pd (pen down)
- Try another letter
- Change the pensize to 30
- Could you make different letters different pensizes?
- For a letter that contains a square, use this square code
- repeat 4 [fd 80 rt 90]
- Change the colour of each letter by putting this code before the letter code:
- colour “blue
Follow this video to make an animation in Google Slides:
Lesson 1
- Open “linked pages template” in shared files, st-marks
- Making the hyperlinks:
- Select “Next”
- Click “link” on the tool panel
- Type “#page 2”
- Click “ok”
- Testing the link
- Make sure you have saved
- Click “view”
- Click on the link
- Now create the link back to page 1 from page 2
- You could also have the page numbers at the bottom so you can skip to any page.
- Can you make a button with shapes and text?
- Add a link to my blog: https://st-marks-wilts-sch-uk.j2bloggy.com/MrWs-Computing-Blog/
More to think about
- HTML is the language that is used to make webpages. Click on this link to see how links work in HTML : HTML links
- Make a simple adventure game by creating pages with doors which are links to a new page. It could be a maze…
Lesson 3
- Template file – Chinese Palace
- Make doors links to explore the palace
- Make simple adventure game
- ** Make a map (site map)
- Open gmail (button in j2launch)
- Click “compose” to write a new email
- In the “To:” box, copy this email address:
- hedgehog@st-marks.wilts.sch.uk
- In the subject box, write “secret message”
- In the main message box, write a polite message to Harry the hedgehog, asking if he knows anything about a secret message for the children of St Mark’s.
- When you get a reply, read it and follow what it says…
- Make a j23 page called: “Email challenge” so I can grade your work
- Email the person next to you an interesting fact.
- Can you think of some sensible rules to keep everyone safe and happy using email? Add them as a comment to this post.