Thank you Dom, for telling us about these great music creation sites!
- Soundation
- Audio Sauna
- Button Base
- Type drummer
Thank you Dom, for telling us about these great music creation sites!
Success steps:
Here is a list of example code you may want to use and adapt:
Primary games maker info and resources
Crab maze resources
LQ: What different elements does a game have? How do I decompose a game?
Here is the planning sheet if you want to have a go yourself:
On Friday, a group of Year 5 and 6 children and I spent an hour outside doing some science. Our question was “How fast does sound travel?”
We didn’t have any measuring equipment at all – we used only string, a bag of stones and a woodblock to work out the speed of sound!
Our final answer was 360 metres per second. The actual speed of sound is 340 so we were very close considering we didn’t use any measuring tapes or stopwatches. (We worked out we were between 5 an 10% out)
We were so busy that we forgot to take any photos – sorry!
How do you think we did it?
Have a go at debugging these LOGO programs.
When you have found and fixed the bugs and pressed play, the program will work and write you a message!
If you want to go ahed, here are the instruction I am working from:
You can find Catch up cards here
Prepare your iMovie