Mar 122015

Success steps:

  • Explore a simple game
  • Decompose a game into its parts
  • Come up with an idea for a simple Tanzania game
  • Decompose the idea – using planning sheet
  • Identify Scratch command blocks that you will use
  • Refamiliarise yourself with Scatch program
  • Log in to class account
  • Understand safety considerations


  1. Platform game:
  2. Maze game:



Here is a list of example code you may want to use and adapt:


Primary games maker info and resources


Crab maze resources

Mar 072015

On Friday, a group of Year 5 and 6 children and I spent an hour outside doing some science.  Our question was “How fast does sound travel?”

We didn’t have any measuring equipment at all – we used only string, a bag of stones and a woodblock to work out the speed of sound!

Our final answer was 360 metres per second.  The actual speed of sound is 340 so we were very close considering we didn’t use any measuring tapes or stopwatches.  (We worked out we were between 5 an 10% out)

We were so busy that we forgot to take any photos – sorry!

How do you think we did it?

Mar 012015


If you want to go ahed, here are the instruction I am working from:


You can find Catch up cards here


  • When you save – click on File – Download to your computer
  • Next time when you open your file, you will click File – Upload from your computer


Feb 262015

How can I prepare, save and share our iMovie?

Prepare your iMovie

  • Choose your theme carefully to suit your book
  • Add your photos and script
  • Check spellings carefully!
  • Credits – first names only


  • Save your iMovie as a video to the camera roll
  • In j2e app, upload (left hand icon in the top right corner)
  • Rename it “name of book: class: initials of group
  • Share with group members in j2e (and with me please)
  • Tag it with the following tags: “bookweek”, “y6”, “imovie”


  • Go to bloggy
  • Blog to your own learning blog
  • Include title, author, a brief description of what you did, group members (first names only)