Success steps
- listen to a podcast and think about why and how it is produced
- open Audacity
- find a folder
- open a sound file
- select sound clips
- explore effects
- record sound
Success steps
This term, we are going to improve our typing skills.
Log into with the details I give you and work your way through.
Success steps
Next time, we will create a story ebook by copying a story, designing pages and linking the pages together. What will make a good eBook?
Success steps
Next time
We are going to make a class podcast, each group/pair presenting some info on a topic eg space. Next week we will prep script. Look at audio colour level
Today’s tasks:
This term, we have all been learning to program using j2code – LOGO and also by doing the Hour of Code.
Where am I on my programming learning journey?
What have you learned about programming this term?
Go to this page and write down your ideas on your learning.