Oct 012013

The information we are after is on the Internet somewhere, but how do we get to it quickly…?

There is a lot of other stuff on the Internet – silly things, advertising, harmful pages, wrong information, distractions… How can we make sure we stay safe from these things?

Here are some techniques to make sure you get to information quickly and safely.

  • Use more than one key word
  • Use “kids” in your google search to find websites written for children
  • Use known, trusted websites like BBC, Woodlands Junior School – start to build up a knowledge of trusted sites
  • Use children’s search engines (see here for some examples)
  • Know what to do if you find something unsuitable or upsetting – tell an adult

Here are some searching techniques to extend your information finding skills.  (Taken from www.code-it.co.uk by Phil Bagge)

Which o these tips have you tried?  Do you have any other good searching tips?

Sep 152013

We have an “@home” licence for Textease Studio CT, ” an integrated set of nine core software tools accessible through one easy-to-use interface.”

If you would like to try it out, you can find information about the tools here: http://www.textease.com/studioct/index.htm

You can download it here:  http://www.textease.com/athome/

You will have to ask Mr Williams for the school password to sue the software.