Mar 302022

Lesson 1 – How search works (Planning)

  1. Watch the video about what happens when (and even before) you search
  2. Web spider activity
    1. Pick a common household item, for example: pen
    2. Do a search and make a list including these things (you could use a sheet like this to help you Search sheets):
      1. exactly where you find each item
      2. how many were there (1-5   1= one ….5= lots)
      3. how easy to find (1-5  1= well hidden….5= obvious)
      4. how good quality (1-5  1= not good….5= excellent)
    3. Add up the scores to give each place a total
    4. Put the places in order of their score.
    5. This is now your search index for that item
    6. Who is best at finding things in your house?  Ask them where the best place to find a pen is – do they come up with the same place as your top place on your search index? Why? Why not?  Are there other factors that make a good place to find this item?

Lesson 2 – What is a network? (Planning)

  1. Watch one or both of the videos
  2. A network is a group or system of interconnected prople of things.
  3. What different networks are you part of as a person?
  4. What different networks of things can you think of? (transport, utilities, buildings. body…think of what you could draw a map of)
  5. Choice of activity
    1. In j2e5, create a poster about different types of networks with pictures, text and information – you could draw diagram, insert audio explanations…
    2. Choose two examples of networks and complete a double-bubble map exploring their similarities and differences.  Double bubble map template
    3. Pick three examples of networks and complete an odd one out diagram exploring thier similarities and differences.  Odd one out template
    4. Pick two examples of networks.  Use bridge maps to compare aspects of the networks.

  • What are the things that are connected?
  • Are there different types of things?
  • How are they connected?
  • Are there different types of connections?
  • Who is responsible for the network?
  • Are there rules for the network?
  • Is it free?
  • What can go wrong with the network?
  • What are the consequences?
  • Has the network changed over time?

Lesson 3 – Mapping the school network  (Planning)

Lesson 4 – Connecting the Internet (Planning)

Lesson 5 – Packet game (Planning)

Thanks to Phil Bagge for these great resources!

Oct 042019


  1. A fact
  2. A picture
  3. Three words to describe

Fill in this form to answer questions


  • Use the word kids or  ks2 when searching
  • 4 Use multiple key words to search
  • 4 Know some trusted websites on a range of topics
  • 5 Search for images marked for reuse
  • 5 Use CTRL-F to find words on a page
  • 5 Use Google search tools
  • 5 Reference websites used
  • 6 Use searching techniques:
    • “” exact phrases
    • * wildcard
    • – to exclude.
Mar 062018

LF: Copy and paste

  1. In j2launch, click on Google Classroom then await further instruction…

Success steps

  • Listen to/wath and read information from the Internet
  • Find answers to quiz questions
  • Use Google Classroom
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to copy ctrl+C and paste ctrl+V
  • Use mouse to copy and paste:  right-hand-click  copy/paste


Sep 252017

In some ways, a search engine is like a well-trained dog. It will fetch what you want, but only if you use the right commands. Although single words are better commands for dogs, more words are better for search engines.

Go to Google Classroom and complete the activity.

Watch It’s a book by Lane Smith .  What advantages does it suggest that books have over the Internet?

What do you think was today’s learning question…?