Jul 062020
Jul 062020
Jul 062020
Jun 252020
Jun 242020
Jun 242020
Jun 242020
Jun 242020
Jun 242020
Jan 102020
- j2launch –
- Click on Level 3
- Type these two instructions:
setpensize 5
- Can you draw a letter?
- Use these commands:
- fd 30 (or other numbers)
- bk 30 (or other numbers)
- lt 90
- rt 90
- (Diagonal letters will need rt 45 or lt 45)
- Press play
each time to see if it works – don’t carry on until you are happy with each instruction.
- If you finish one letter, type
- pu (pen up)
- move to a new place using fd, lt, rt…
- pd (pen down)
- Try another letter
- Change the pensize to 30
- Could you make different letters different pensizes?
- For a letter that contains a square, use this square code
- repeat 4 [fd 80 rt 90]
- Change the colour of each letter by putting this code before the letter code:
- colour “blue