Apr 042019

Computational thinking

  1. Don’t panic! Understand the problem
    1. Game brief
    2. Q and A
  2. Simplify! (decomposition)
    1. Pick ONE part at a time
      1. Sky going dark
      2. Sprite moving UDLR
      3. Turn off lights when touched by sprite
  3. De ja vu?
    1. Have we done anything similar before?
    2. What Scratch blocks do you remember?
  4. Create a plan – algorithm
  5. Have a go…!

Game brief

A game company would like you to make a WW2 blackout themed computer game featuring, the landscape of a UK city threatened by the Blitz.  The aim is to put up blackout curtains in the daytime before nightfall so that the bombers will pass harmlessly overhead during the night.  Successive screen will become harder with more windows to cover and bigger buildings.  Wardens will be patrolling.  You may have to find or buy blackout material.  Depending on how completely you blackout the city, bombs will fall.  How long can you keep your city from being destroyed – a percentage score could drop after each night of bombing….


Mar 222018
  • Continue to work through these tasks.
  • Have a look at this video for any tips to finish off any tasks:

    Help video

LF1 Logging in

  1. Go to Scratch
  2. Log in, eg stm-ab14
  3. Passwords –

LF2 Making things move

  1.  Scratch cat
    1. Set size to 50%
    2. Make him always running
    3. Make him move
      1. forward with up arrow
      2. turn left and right with left/right arrows
  2. Balloon
    1. Make it follow the mouse
    2. Make it always the same way up
  3. Ball
    1. Make it always spinning
    2. Make it move up down left right with the keys w, s, a, d
  4. Car
    1. Make it drive to and fro across the screen

LF3 Changing costumes

  1. Ball
    1. Duplicate the ball costume several times to make a popping animation
    2. Make it pop (change costumes) when the mouse pointer touches it
    3. Add a popping sound
  2. Avery walking
    1. Make Avery walk left and right when g and h pressed
    2. Make Avery face correct direction and always walking

LF4 Share

  1. Click share
  2. In j2e my files, click your name, settings and refresh the scratch section
  3. Check your j2e file appears in my files

LF5 Gravity

  1. Make some steps
  2. Program Avery so that they fall down unless they are on the steps

LF 6 Firing

  1. Create a new sprite, eg bananas
  2. Make them follow the Scrath cat
  3. When you press space, fire the bananas in the direction it is pointing
  4. Make the car disappear if you fire a banana at it!

LF7 Make your own adaptations

  1. Use the sprites that you have set up so far and add some more code
  2. You could
    1. add sounds
    2. new controls
    3. new interactions between sprites
    4. be creative!

LF8  Plan a Scratch game

  1. Theme?
  2. Movement – what controls? keyboard? arrow keys? mouse position? mouse click?
  3. Background – how does it interact? maze, platforms…
  4. Sprites – how do they interact?
  5. Start t build your game – bit by bit, block by block…