Apr 202020
I hope everyone is well and had a break over Easter. Thank you for everyone who had a go at some of the challenges on here before Easter. This term, I will try to put on some more challenges, but I will also put some lessons for each year group.
I hope you enjoy your home learning this term. Keep going.
Top tps:
- Tick things off your list as you do them,
- Short sessions
- Brain breaks in between – get up, exercise
- Drink water.
Quick links:
Thinking starters – great for getting your brain going
Daily search challenge
Y3 Bar charts in j2e5 Computing unit for Term 5
Y4 Mindmaps with Coggle Computing unit for Term 5
Y5 Creating a game piece by piece Computing unit for Term 5
Y6 Creating a database Computing unit for Term 5
Maths challenge W2 – leave your answers as a comment; Week1
Music activities from Mrs Shakespeare
How to do Google Classroom worksheets on j2e5
Zooniverse – people-powered research – take part in real scientific research on a range of projects
- #DoGoodFromHome!