Feb 012024

Video instructions 1

Play this game!  Use arrow keys to control the cat.  Can you get to the door at the top?

What different things have I had to draw and program to make this game?

 LF1 Saving and opening Scratch work

  1. Click on this https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/205492019/editor/
  2. Click: File – Save to your computer
  3. Close the tab!
  4. Go to Scratch
  5. Click: File – Load from your computer
  6. Don’t forget to save!

LF2 Movement controls

Video instructions 2

  1. Scratch cat script
    1. Make Scratch move up, down, left, right when you press the arrow keys:
      1. You will need 4 groups of blocks
      2. Events – when up arrow pressed…ScreenHunter_155 Feb. 22 08.16
      3. Up = change y by  5 ; Down = change y by -5ScreenHunter_157 Feb. 22 08.17
    2. Test it out by trying to get past the Egyptian god!

Video instructions 3

  • Think:
    • How can we make the cat go a bit faster?
    • How could we stop Scratch going through the walls?

LF3 Follow a path

Video instructions 4

  1. Look at the Roman soldier script – can you work out how it works?
  2. RH-click on the Roman soldier and duplicate to get two more – one for each level
  3. Replace the glide blocks by doing the following:
    1. move it to where you want it
    2. select glide blocks (they will have the correct numbers for x and y)
  4. Test the game – make sure it is just possible to get past by going into the tunnels.  Change the speed of the cat and/or soldiers if needed.

LF4 Makes sprites interact

  1. Scratch Cat script
    1. Add blocks so that
      1. When Scratch Cat touches a soldier, it goes back to the beginning (Clue: , green flag, forever, if, touching baddie, go to…)
      2. when Scratch Cat touches the door, the background changes (Clue: green flag, forever, if, touching door, next background)

Video instructions

LF5 Use drawing tools

  1. Stage – Backdrops
  2. RH click to duplicate
  3. Edit the second backdrop to make a new level
  4. You could also draw new backgrounds
    1. Welcome screen = maze with title of game, instructions and a “start” button (sprite(
    2. Game over screen

LF6 Lives

  1. Teacher DEMO
  2. Variables – make a new variable called Lives
  3. Set variable to 3
  4. Add into the block that sends Scratch back to the beginning – change Lives by -1
  5. New set of blocks = forever, if, lives = 0 , change backdrop to game over.

LF7 Coins

  1. Draw or find a new coin sprite
  2. Make a new variable called Score
  3. Use this code for the coin

Scratch self assessment

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