Mar 202019
LF1 Logging on!
LF2 Movement controls
- Go to “My stuff” and click on your maze project
- (Original project = _
- See inside
- Scratch cat code
- Make Scratch move up, down, left, right when you press the arrow keys:
- Events – when up arrow pressed…
- Up = change y by 5 ; Down = change y by -5
- Events – when up arrow pressed…
- Test it out by trying to get past the Egyptian god!
- Make Scratch move up, down, left, right when you press the arrow keys:
LF3 Choosing coordinates
- Look at the Egyptian God script – can you work out how it works?
- RH-click on the Egyptian god
and duplicate to get two more – one for each level
- Change the x y numbers so they patrol left and right
- Test the game – make sure it is just possible to get past by going into the tunnels
LF 4 Use drawing tools
- Stage – Backdrops
- RH click to duplicate
- Edit the second backdrop to make a new level
LF5 Make sprites interact
- Scratch script
- Add blocks so that, when Scratch touches the door, the background changes
- Make a new set of blocks so that, when Scratch touches a baddie, it returns (go to…) to the start position
- How can we make Scratch only move when it is not touching the walls?