Dec 102018
- Draw some simple patterns on this Roman pattern ideas j2e5 file. Here are some ideas.
- Create the instructions in LOGO to draw your chosen one.
- j2launch – j2code – LOGO
- Click on Level 3
- Start your program with
- reset
setpensize 5- For each instruction you add, test it
- Make sure:
- the arrow finishes at the original level and across to the right a bit
- the arrow is pointing UP at the end of your instructions
- reset
- Put this above your instructions (to move it to the top corner)
- pu setxy -240 180 pd
- Test your code – you might need to change the numbers so that your shape fits on the screen.
- Repeat your shape by adding in this:
- repeat 4
- [
- your instructions
- ]
- Edit your code. Can you:
- Make the shape smaller by changing the fd numbers?
- Make more shapes so it takes up the whole length of the screen?
- Now put your code inside another repeat to get the four sides of the square:
- repeat 4
- [
- all of your shape code so far including the repeat
- rt 90 (to turn the corner)
- ]
Success steps:
- Copy instructions carefully
- Use fd, lt, rt with a space and a number
- Press play to run program
- Make instructions to draw simple shapes including forward, left and right
- Check instructions carefully for mistakes (bugs)