Jan 082018
LF1 Signing up and eSafety
- Go to https://prezi.com/signup/edu/standard/ and follow the instructions to sign up
- DO NOT enter your full name or add any personal details to your profile.
- MAKE SURE you keep your profile and prezis private.
- By using your school email, you are bound by your ICT agreement that you have signed
- You are not permitted to use your school email to sign up to anything else.
LF2 Evaluate other people’s Prezis
- Look at THREE example prezis – at least one EDU Prezi.
- Here are the winners of the 2014 Prezi competition
- 2015
- 2016
- What makes them effective?
- What is not effective?
LF3 Learn how to use the tools in Prezi.
- Create a practice Prezi
- How many tools can you use in Prezi?
- Experiment and explore