Nov 012022
1 Typing
All typing links now in Typing folder on j2launch.
2 LOGO test page
Create a test LOGO project – include as many of these commands as possible
- Lines = fd 50 or bk 50
- Turns = rt 90 or lt 90 (or other angles)
- Circles = circle 50
- Squares = repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90]
- Shapes = repeat ? [fd 50 rt 360/?] (/ means divide; ? means number of sides)
- Stars = repeat ? [fd 50 rt 360 /? -180] same as shapes but change the angles; ? bigger than 8
- Colours = colour “blue
- Moving without drawing = pu setxy 100 100 pd
- Shading = fill (fills the area you are in with the current colour)
- Pen thickness = setpensize 5
- Start with reset
- Click play button
after every instruction
3 Debugging challenges
- Go to shared files, LOGO debugging challenges
- Work you way through the challnges
- Save each one in your files