Jun 052014
  • What? How was ICT this year?
  • Why?  To be reflective about my own learning and help Mr Williams improve ICT in future
  • How?  Go to ICT and me survey and fill it out thoughtfully


  • What? How can I share my work?
  • Why? Collaborating is a very important in the workplace, eg with people in different places
  • How? Steps below:
  1. Google apps
    1. Log in and go to Google Drive
    2. Create a new folder called eg “6P Bob Smith ICT work”
    3. Share it with me
    4. Drag into it any work that you have done to show me your great ICT skills!
    5. (If you want to keep your own folder system, make copies of files to put in the folder)
  2. j2e
    1.  Log in to www.j2e.com/launch and go to my files
    2. Create a new folder called eg “6P Bob Smith ICT work”
    3. (You don’t need to share it with me as I have access to pupil files)
    4. Drag in any work that shows off your ICT skills

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