Mar 022017
- Log into Scratch and start a new project
- Set up gravity: use forever, change y by…
- Play to check that the cat falls
- But gravity only moves you if you are in the air,…
- Draw the ground on your background
- You only want the cat to fall if is not touching the ground
- Use: if, not, touching colour… inside the forever loop
- Play to test it out and drop the cat in different places to check that it works.
- ** What happens if you put the cat under the ground?! Why?
- Now add some floating levels of the same colour and test again
- Add keyboard controls:
- Left/right: use when left key pressed; change x by
- Jump: use when space key pressed; change y by…
- Test your game
- What works well?
- Even better if…
- Can you think of solutions to you even better ifs?