Mar 082018

LF1 Logging in

  1. Go to Scratch
  2. Log in, eg stm-ab14
  3. Passwords –

LF2 Making things move

  1.  Scratch cat
    1. Set size to 50%
    2. Make him always running
    3. Make him move
      1. forward with up arrow
      2. turn left and right with left/right arrows
  2. Balloon
    1. Make it follow the mouse
    2. Make it always the same way up
  3. Ball
    1. Make it always spinning
    2. Make it move up down left right with the keys w, s, a, d
  4. Car
    1. Make it drive to and fro across the screen

LF3 Changing costumes

  1. Ball
    1. Duplicate the ball costume several times to make a popping animation
    2. Make it pop (change costumes) when the mouse pointer touches it
    3. Add a popping sound
  2. Avery walking
    1. Make Avery walk left and right when g and h pressed
    2. Make Avery face correct direction and always walking

LF4 Share

  1. Click share
  2. In j2e my files, click your name, settings and refresh the scratch section
  3. Check your j2e file appears in my files

LF5 Gravity

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