Jan 052017
- This term we are going to produce an informative multimedia presentation on:
- an area of your topic work
- an animal, plant or habitat or environmental issue
- an adventure story where the reader makes decisions along the way
- Look at the “presenting” skills progression on j2review – it will be your success criteria:
- RED – use different tools
- ORANGE – changing elements, eg font, colour, size, position, rotate, crop
- YELLOW – include different elements, chosen for effect [text, pictures, shapes, arrows, animations, video, audio …]
- GREEN – attention to detail – lining up, consistent style, group tools, planning, [hyperlinks]
- BLUE – deliberate, reasoned choice of layout, style, [colour scheme], transitions, accepting and offering advice
- PURPLE – polished work, critically evaluate and improve
- Today’s job is to look at different tools that we could use for our project
- Create a j2e page called “T3 multimedia project plan” – record what you try and you ideas
- In j2launch library, find and play with any presenting tools
- Also, try finding other tools online – we may need to think carefully about eSafety and signing up to new tools.
- Are there any that we can add to Google Apps? or sign in with Google? Please check with me first
- Some to consider:
- j2e – can include text, shape, animation, linking, images, video, audio, can embed other elements
- Prezi
- PowerPoint
- ThingLink ?
- Tools from here: http://ukedchat.com/ictmagic/digital-web-tools/
- Web tools for kids: https://sites.google.com/site/webtoolsbox/avatars/talking-avatars