Jun 082017

Typing warm up

Log onto typing.com as a student with your Google account.  Start on a lesson in your learning “Stretch zone”.

Video tutorials

Who has used video tutorials? What for? Watch some. Make a list of what makes a good one. Introduce task – to create a screen cast to teach an ICT skill that you could teach a younger child. Brainstorm some ideas. Practice skill a few times – work out the best way to do it. In learning partners, teach the skill live – give and receive feedback. Repeat process until polished.

Success steps

  1. Watch example video tutorials;
    1. One from j2e
    2. One by Mr W
    3. One by a Year 6 student
  2. Create a j2e page called “video tutorial”
    1. Do a WWW / EBI for one of the tutorials
    2. create a success criteria for yourself
    3. most important features at the top
  3. think of a simple skill to teach;
  4. practice and master the skill;
  5. now plan the demonstration and commentary;
  6. use the j2e page to plan, do a title
  7. Try out Screencastify

Next week –

  1. give and receive feedback from learning partner;
  2. be resilient – act on feedback and keep improving.

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