Mr W

Nov 242020

Watch the video

Watch the video


  1. Create 3 different stars.  Move between them using pu pd [2 points]
  2. Create 3 different sshapes.  Move between them using pu pd [2 points]
  3. Make a simple picture combining stars and shapes [3 points]


  • Procedures with variables
  • Polygons variables
  • Rectangle 1 – width, length
  • Rectangles 2 – w, l, position
  • Fill procedure


Nov 222020

Watch the video – can you spot my mistake at the end?!

  1. Follow the video to create a petals procedure to shoerten your flower code [1 point]
  2. Create randomly placed flowers [1 point]
    1. repeat 50 […]
    2. Inside the repeat put your flower code and the following random position code
    3. pu setxy  (-250 + random 500)  (-250 + random 500) pd
  3. Create a flower border
    1. Draw a tiny flower
    2. Add some code to move to the right
    3. Move to the top left corner  pu setxy -220 220 pd the repeat flowers and move code
  4. Use colour list to draw randomly coloured flowers
    1. make “cols [“gold, “blue, “red, “white, “purple]
    2. colour item random 5 of :cols


  • Random
  • repeat
  • nested repeats
  • lists
  • make “colours [“blue, “green, “red]
  • item 3 of :colours
Nov 182020

Watch the video


  1. Make a flower following the instructions [1 point]
  2. Move to another space using pu setxy…. pd and make another flower iwth different numbers of petals [2points]
  3. Move to another space and make a different flower with other colours and nymbers of petals [3 points]
  4. Make another flower with 4 levels of petals [4 points]
  5. Adapt the code to draw a sun with rays [4 points]


  • reset 
  • Setpensize 
  • repeat […]
  • fd bk rt lt 
  • colour “
Nov 182020

Now create a new shape to make your own border.  You could draw out some ideas on this page

  1. Start a new LOGO file
  2. Type:  reset   setpensize 5
  3. Code your shape
    1. Make sure:
      1. it has a “flick” at the end
      2. it ends on the same level as the start
      3. arrow is pointing up at the end
  4. Test your shape by typing:
    1. repeat 5
    2. [
    3. shape instructions
    4. ]
  5. If it works – shapes go in a straight line, not up or down – use the Roman border instructions with your new shape (instead of the c) to make the border.
  6. Roman border 1 instructions page
Nov 182020

Watch the video

instruction sheet – Roman border

  1. Follow the video or instruction sheet to create a Roman border [1 point]
  2. Use pu setxy … pd to move to the middle and do a second layer [2 points]
  3. Put a square border or two inside your pattern [3 points]
  4. Add another procedure to make a second pattern [4points]


  • reset
  • Setpensize (with a number)
  • Pu pd 
  • to end (procedure)
  • Repeat 4 […]
  • setxy  (with 2 numbers)
  • hideturtle

Copy your picture to a j2e5 page

Nov 182020

Watch the video

[Video – planning and typing letters]

  1. Type the code to draw a letter [2 points]
  2. Type the code to draw a bubble letter [3 points]
  3. Type the code to draw 3 different letters using colours, pensizes and labelling in the code with ; comments [4 points]


  • fd bk rt lt (with numbers)
  • Reset
  • Setpensize (with a number)
  • Pu pd
  • ; for comments
  • colour “blue


Nov 102020
  1. Go to the Bebras website
  2. Select the age group then start
  3. Make sure you check the answers so you can learn from your mistakes or your successes
  4. If you have finished, choose one of the following:
    1. Have a go at Lightbot 
      1. To allow flash – click padlock, site settings, Flash – allow
    2. j2code – LOGO or another j2code app
Oct 072020
  1. Trace outline using rectangle tool
  2. Trace red strip at bottom using rectangle tool
  3. Select rectangles, tick fill and choose colour
  4. Trace lightning bolt with shape tool 
  5. Type text
    1. Stormbreaker – see online paint instructions
    2. Other text
  6. Alex Rider silhouette
    1. Search then “copy image”
    2. Paste into online paint
    3. Transparent copy and paste into j2e5
  7. Sphere with triangles
    1. Search to find black sphere with white background
    2. Copy image
    3. Go to
    4. Hover on left box then CTRL-V
    5. Save as, download picture
    6. Go to
    7. Choose file – Google Drive
    8. Click png to save – show in folder – drag to j2e5
    1. Add a back cover and spine
    2. Choose another Stormbreaker and copy it

Text in online paint

  1. Go to