Jan 202021

Here are some Computing and other activities for this term:

Keep learning, keep active and keep in touch!

Computing in Term 3

  1. Term 3 units
    1. Y3 Create a topic page in j2e5 with a repeated page border
    2. Y4 Create an adventure game using hyperlinks
    3. Y5T3 Edit a “Word” doc in Google Docs, j2e and j2office Write
    4. Y6 Create a WW2 presentation in Google Slides

Other Computing skills

Use Computing in other subjects

  • Create a Coggle mind map of your topic (See Y5T5 unit)
  • Create an animation using JIT5, Scratch, Gifpaint or an phone/tablet animation app – see Y4 animated story unit
  • Use j2e5 templates or visual tools to explore ideas in your topic or complete topic work set by your teachers.
  • Scratch project – we’ll be using Scratch in Term 4
  • Install Google Expeditions  on a phone or tablet and explore places related to your topics

Other activities

  •     Thinking starters – great for getting your brain going.  Learning Zone leave a comment with your ideas.
  •   Zooniverse – people-powered research – take part in real scientific research on a range of projects
  •    #DoGoodFromHome!


Jan 042021

Below is a Google Doc with some facts and pictures about South America
You will be creating a poster using those facts and have a go at using three different tools Google Docs, j2e5 and j2Office Writer

The learning is all about:
1 Good poster design – simple, stylish, professional
2 Using tools in different apps to change font, pictures, colours, layout
3 Learning how to use new tools by being curious and resilient

Nov 242020

Watch the video

  1. Make some different spirals and copy and paste them onto a j2e5 page.  [2 points]
    1. You could change the shape, colour, tightness, direction
    2. You could overlay a clockwise spiral on an anticlockwise spira.
    3. You could increase pensize
    4. You could use arc (needs two numbers) to draw a spiral
  2. Make an shape with increasing size
  3. Move shapes move along with setxy
  4. Make a grid by increasing x then y



  • make a variable
  • increasing variables

Other ideas – increasing size of shapes or moving

Nov 242020

Watch the video

Watch the video


  1. Create 3 different stars.  Move between them using pu pd [2 points]
  2. Create 3 different sshapes.  Move between them using pu pd [2 points]
  3. Make a simple picture combining stars and shapes [3 points]


  • Procedures with variables
  • Polygons variables
  • Rectangle 1 – width, length
  • Rectangles 2 – w, l, position
  • Fill procedure


Nov 222020

Watch the video – can you spot my mistake at the end?!

  1. Follow the video to create a petals procedure to shoerten your flower code [1 point]
  2. Create randomly placed flowers [1 point]
    1. repeat 50 […]
    2. Inside the repeat put your flower code and the following random position code
    3. pu setxy  (-250 + random 500)  (-250 + random 500) pd
  3. Create a flower border
    1. Draw a tiny flower
    2. Add some code to move to the right
    3. Move to the top left corner  pu setxy -220 220 pd the repeat flowers and move code
  4. Use colour list to draw randomly coloured flowers
    1. make “cols [“gold, “blue, “red, “white, “purple]
    2. colour item random 5 of :cols


  • Random
  • repeat
  • nested repeats
  • lists
  • make “colours [“blue, “green, “red]
  • item 3 of :colours
Nov 182020

Watch the video


  1. Make a flower following the instructions [1 point]
  2. Move to another space using pu setxy…. pd and make another flower iwth different numbers of petals [2points]
  3. Move to another space and make a different flower with other colours and nymbers of petals [3 points]
  4. Make another flower with 4 levels of petals [4 points]
  5. Adapt the code to draw a sun with rays [4 points]


  • reset 
  • Setpensize 
  • repeat […]
  • fd bk rt lt 
  • colour “