Typing.com until 9.15 (ELM), 10,45 (FIR), 11.35 (HOLLY)
- Make sure you are using the correct fingers – especially particular children – you know who you are!
- Make sure you are stretching yourself (not too hard – not too easy)
Main activity
Choose one of the following activities
Continue with the class database
- Shared files, British Birds
- Use the RSPB website to find information
- Enter in the database
- I have added a “Who did this record” field – add your name to show that it is your one.
- If it keeps on not working, go on to activity 2 or 3…
- Bird song
- Under the audio clip, click on the link
- Download audio file
- On the form, upload clip
- Then click “my pictures”
Start your own database – choose your own topic
- j2launch – j2data – database
- On the “define” tab – add fields – think of all the fields you need – you can add more later
- On the “form” tab – add data
Create an information poster about a British bird
- Include: bold title, pictures, information
- Can you include the bird song?
- Under the audio clip, click on the link
- Download audio file
- In j2e click picture icon
then + then “choose file”
FIR – We need to reset passwords
- Please think of a new password with:
- letters and numbers
- at least 8 characters long
- a capital letter or different symbol, eg !?:()&$£\/<>
- …and write it in your Reading Record.
- Next time you log in, it will ask you for you password and then to enter a new one (probnably twice)
- Make sure you don’t tell anyone your password!