Sep 102018


  1. Look at Y3 post “Welcome to the Computer Room!”
    1. How would you rate yourselves this morning?
    2. Is there anything you would add for Y3s?  You could add as a comment


  • What would you like to achieve in Computing this year?

j2e5 skills

  1. In my files, shared files, open “j2e5 skills”
  2. Copy the objects exactly
    1. Y4 Open “food and farming book covers”, choose one book cover to copy.
    2. Y5  Open “stormbreaker cover” from shared files – can you make an exact copy using j2e tools…?
    3. Y6 Open “mayan book covers” – choose one book cover to copy exactly using j2e tools
  3. TIP 1 : start with the cover background colour and build it up in layers.  Break the problem down – decomposition
  4. TIP2: use 3 or 4 search words to find an exact picture match