Feb 252014

Two activities today

1 Scratch  

Toothless is stuck in a cave.  Give him instructions so that he can make his way back to Hiccup.

  • Can you use moving and turning blocks?
  • Can you use trial and improvement method to succeed?
  • How could you improve the game?


2 How to train your dragon

Have a go at some of the activities on the How to Train Your Dragon website.  Make sure you read the instructions carefully.

  • Are they clear?
  • How could you improve them?
  • Can you pick up any more information about dragons?


Feb 242014

Discuss mystery theme and possible techniques and ideas.  Watch short films and generate some more ideas.



  • Photos – silhouettes, angles, blur
  • Videos – hiding/spying, spinning round (slow motion),
  1. Send out to collect ideas/shots.
  2. Safety – no running, no secret filming.
  3. Arrange in iMovie.
  4. Record sound effects? Save to camera roll then upload to j2e/google drive.

Success criteria

  • Use some mystery techniques;
  • take photos and videos within app;
  • rearrange clips;
  • fade in and out;
  • save to camera roll;
  • upload to j2e/google apps
Feb 092014

LE!: Let’s create a better Intenet together! (Learning exclamation!)

1 The things we love about the Internet!

Take the survey:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gI4zoX-fi6sTBh7WopCcp4xyFuDuWq22HNaYBGlkkLg/viewform

Let’s share our favourite sites, services, technologies and games online.

2 My perfect online world

  • What would your perfect online world look like?
  • What types of sites and services would you want to use?
  • Think broadly and creatively about what you would include (i.e. not just games, but what you might also use to find out information, to learn, and to communicate and share content)
  • Also how would people be expected to behave in this world, and what tools might be available to help them.
  • You could also include ideas for sites and services that haven’t been invented yet that might meet a need they have!

Go to “shared files” in j2launch and find the template poster I have shared with you.  Save it as your own, add you ideas and make it look amazing!

3. Three stars and a wish
What are doing to make the internet a better place?  You may be creating your own content and uploading it (such as videos, animations, games, apps, etc.) but also think about your conduct online and how your behaviour can help shape a better internet (using your manners, showing respect when chatting to others online, reporting comments/content that is upsetting/inappropriate.)

Comment on this post to share up to * three things you are already doing to make a better internet and + one new thing
you plan to do.


Feb 062014

eSafety Starter

  • Login into your Prezi account
    • If you have forgotten your details:
      • Make a mental note to write them down somewhere securely
      • Click on forgotten password link and follow instructions
  • Prezi have been sending you emails about various things.  Can you unsubscribe to emails from Prezi?
  • Check your profile and settings – make sure:
    • All of your Prezis are private (they may be shared with other St Mark’s users)
    • You do not have any personal information in your profile

Developing your Prezi

  1. What different ways are there of displaying info?: text, images, videos(?), shapes.
  2. What ways are there of making info more interesting? (fonts, bullets, shapes, boxes, shape of whole prezi, theme of prezi), background music, pathways.
  3. Can you use these (sparingly – KISS, less is more)?
  4. How can you be creative? (zoom -in and in and in, inside letters, text on pictures). Show some examples of these techniques.
  5. IMPORTANT Remember that the purpose is to present information – don’t lose sight of this. Purpose – is it for people to browse, the backdrop to a talk…? How will this affect your design?
  6. ALSO IMPORTANT – how are you respecting other people’s work (images, information, music, videos…etc) and copyright?

Lesson reflection


Feb 032014
  • We will be creating “routines” (groups of instructions). These are usually given names and then can be used in other programs later.
  • Check that you understand repeat-end loops and how to write them. (eg repeat 4 forward 30 right 90 end). Repeat-end loops are like a sandwich with instructions to repeat in the middle.
  • Log in to Crystal Rainforest (using name from last week if it lets them!)
  • Change settings: “Adventure mode”, adjust volume, level 2. Click ok
  • Click “Start” then ” adventure mode”.
  • Start on number 23

Success steps:

  • understand repeat-end loops
  • understand a routine is a set of instructions (often given a name)
  • be resilient
  • test instructions (even if not complete)
  • use trial and improvement
  • ** 360 degrees is a whole turn
  • ** 360 can be divided into smaller turns (factors of 360)

Lesson Reflection


Jan 302014

Signing up

  1. Sign up for a free prezi account using your school email.
  2. It must be a student account https://prezi.com/profile/registration/edu/?license_type=EDUENJOY
  3. USE only initials for your first and last name
  4. DO NOT enter your full name or any personal details.
  5. MAKE SURE you keep your info and prezis private.
  6. By using your school email, you are bound by your ICT agreement that you have signed
  7. You are not permitted to use your school email to sign up to anything else.

Creating a Prezi

  1. Look at some example prezis. Here are the winners of the 2014 Prezi competition
  2. Create your own on a school topic theme.
  3. What different tools can you use? Theme, shapes, pictures, fonts, paths,…?
  4. What makes prezi effective as a presentation tool?
  5. Can you use it collaboratively, ie share it? Work on it at the same time? Comment?
  6. Are there eSafety considerations?
  7. Can you find help topics/videos?

Be positive and creative!