Jan 272014
Jan 202014
- Scratch http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tip_bar=getStarted
- Quiz instructions are here http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/scratchquiz.html but today we will be using paper instructions.
- Lesson reflection https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wGDATCRZ9dU1aEHGoqOgbf7VGSfa2uYUQIxprhaz7rQ/viewform
Steps to success
- Open work from last week
- Disconnect blocks
- Duplicate blocks
- Follow instructions carefully
- Read blocks to understand what they do
- Understand selection (if, then, else)
Jan 172014
Our Digital Leaders investigated mouse skills and typing games. Here are their recommendations.
Jan 152014
Steps to success
- Log into j2launch (*** without using book ** using book)
- Find my graph in “my files”
- Finish last week’s graph
- Write a comment about what it shows
- Save
Extra challenge
- Create a new “mix” page with graph and text
- Use info sheet to create a new graph
GREEN no help needed
ORANGE a little help
RED need help several times
Jan 132014
- Scratch http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tip_bar=getStarted
- Quiz instructions http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/scratchquiz.html
- Lesson reflection https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14gEix_JlU3TAi4xVkBcXSetIAeJGW9oDHtH0e-NYmw/viewforAm
Steps to success
- Switch between different tabs
- Follow instructions carefully
- Read blocks to understand what they do
- Learn about selection (if, then, else)
Jan 062014
- Typing
- BBC Dance Mat Typing http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/
- Try some of these if you have time http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/keyboarding_games.html
- Seating
- Traffic light seating
- Buddies
- Experts
- Log ins – practise logging in
- j2e
- Google Apps
- School website – find Mr W’s ICT blog
- j2e5
- Make a new page called “Year 5 ICT portfolio”
- Add pages
- Learn how to “print screen”
- Make a contents list on the first page
- Make a “Typing” page
- Make a “LOGO” page
- Copy LOGO work onto page
- ICT skills list
Dec 192013
Dec 162013
Your Task:
Produce, save and print a story or poem which starts with the words:
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through our house…
Steps to success
- Open word
- Save as… In named folder
- Save frequently
- Increase typing speed
- Concentrate
- Finish text
- Number of words (Must=100. Should=200 could=300)
- Check word count
Dec 102013
Your challenge: Create 3 very different pieces of artwork achieving different effects/moods.
- Use Revelation Natural Art.
- I will suggest some different themes for you.
- Save each piece of art in your own folder
- Copy images onto a j2e page and print out – don’t forget to put your name on it!
Success steps:
- Open Revelation Natural Art (Start – Programs – )
- Experiment with different tools
- Find out how to: Change brushes, colour, fill, line, undo, clear page
- Save file
- use a sensible name, eg blue circles
- save as file type: jpg
- save in your own folder (computer – 4e on Phoenix – Your name )
- Log into j2launch www.j2e.com/launch
- Upload pictures to My Files
- Put pictures on page, add name and print
Dec 092013
Challenge: Create a rainforest picture page border.
Summary: Use Revelation Natural Art to create own rainforest pictures. Copy them into j2e and use copy, paste, group to arrange them.
Success Steps:
- Create simple picture in RNA
- make it simple, big and bold
- ** make two pictures to combine
- Save as png (so that the background is transparent) to your folder
- Find file in own folder
- Import/drag into j2e
- Copy, paste to combine pictures
- Group, copy and paste
- **use grid and snap to line up images