Nov 142021

Aim of project

Wrte a program in LOGO that draws a picture including different shapes, colours and using procedures, variables and as many different LOGO commands as you can.

Stage 1 LF: Use LOGO commands

Create a  test LOGO project – include as many of these commands as possible

  • Lines = fd 50 or bk 50
  • Turns = rt 90 or lt 90 (or other angles)
  • Circles = circle 50
  • Arcs = arc 30 270 (draws part of (270 degrees of) a circle of size 50) 
  • Squares = repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90]
  • Shapes =  repeat ? [fd 50 rt 360/?] (/ means divide; ? means number of sides)
  • Stars = repeat ? [fd 50 rt 360 /? -180] same as shapes but change the angles; ? bigger than 8
  • Colours = colour “blue
  • Moving to different parts of the page without drawing = pu setxy 100 100 pd
  • Shading = fill (fills the area you are in with the current colour)
  • Pen thickness = setpensize 5
  • Procedures = to newthing …instructions… end
  • Make/change  variables = make  “length 50
  • Use variables = fd :length
  • Increase variables = make “length :length + 1

See these posts for more ideas and techniques:

LOGO example files


  • Start with reset
  • Click play button  after every instruction 

Stage 2 LF: Draw a picture in j2e5

  • Start a new j2e5 page
  • Draw a picture using different shapes and colours that you think you could code in LOGO – challenge yourself!
  • Arcs can be drawn in j2e6 with the pair of compasses tool
    • Click this  then this
  • You culd draw a house, cityscape, robot, car or vehicle,
  • Include repeated elements, eg windoes, buttons, fence posts….which you could use procedures to draw.

Stage 3 LF: Code your pictue in LOGO one part at a time

  1. Start with:  reset
  2. Choose a small part of your picture and create the code to draw it
  3. When you are happy with your code, make it into a procedure by putting inside TO window …… END
  4. Tip: starting your procedure with “home” makes sure the arrow is pointing up to start with
  5. Now move onto another part of your picture.
  6. Put your picture parts together by using setxy 100 100 followed by the procedure name.