Feb 012024

Video instructions 1

Play this game!  Use arrow keys to control the cat.  Can you get to the door at the top?

What different things have I had to draw and program to make this game?

 LF1 Saving and opening Scratch work

  1. Click on this https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/205492019/editor/
  2. Click: File – Save to your computer
  3. Close the tab!
  4. Go to Scratch
  5. Click: File – Load from your computer
  6. Don’t forget to save!

LF2 Movement controls

Video instructions 2

  1. Scratch cat script
    1. Make Scratch move up, down, left, right when you press the arrow keys:
      1. You will need 4 groups of blocks
      2. Events – when up arrow pressed…ScreenHunter_155 Feb. 22 08.16
      3. Up = change y by  5 ; Down = change y by -5ScreenHunter_157 Feb. 22 08.17
    2. Test it out by trying to get past the Egyptian god!

Video instructions 3

  • Think:
    • How can we make the cat go a bit faster?
    • How could we stop Scratch going through the walls?

LF3 Follow a path

Video instructions 4

  1. Look at the Roman soldier script – can you work out how it works?
  2. RH-click on the Roman soldier and duplicate to get two more – one for each level
  3. Replace the glide blocks by doing the following:
    1. move it to where you want it
    2. select glide blocks (they will have the correct numbers for x and y)
  4. Test the game – make sure it is just possible to get past by going into the tunnels.  Change the speed of the cat and/or soldiers if needed.

LF4 Makes sprites interact

  1. Scratch Cat script
    1. Add blocks so that
      1. When Scratch Cat touches a soldier, it goes back to the beginning (Clue: , green flag, forever, if, touching baddie, go to…)
      2. when Scratch Cat touches the door, the background changes (Clue: green flag, forever, if, touching door, next background)

Video instructions

LF5 Use drawing tools

  1. Stage – Backdrops
  2. RH click to duplicate
  3. Edit the second backdrop to make a new level
  4. You could also draw new backgrounds
    1. Welcome screen = maze with title of game, instructions and a “start” button (sprite(
    2. Game over screen

LF6 Lives

  1. Teacher DEMO
  2. Variables – make a new variable called Lives
  3. Set variable to 3
  4. Add into the block that sends Scratch back to the beginning – change Lives by -1
  5. New set of blocks = forever, if, lives = 0 , change backdrop to game over.

LF7 Coins

  1. Draw or find a new coin sprite
  2. Make a new variable called Score
  3. Use this code for the coin

Scratch self assessment

Sep 112023


Book covers

    1. Go to “my files”, “shared files”, your class folder
    2. Open Stormbreaker book cover
    3. Use the tools in j2e to copy one of them as accurately as possible.


We will start with the cover background colour and build it up in layers.  Break the problem down – decomposition

1 Cover shape, blocks and colour

  • Trace the shape of the whole book cover with the rectangle tool
  • Do the same for the red bar at the bottom
  • Select each shape and change the colour by using “fill”

2 Text

Continue reading »

Jun 052023

This term, we are going to create a short film in groups about an aspect of one of your topics from this year:

  • Farm to fork
  • Shang dynasty
  • Romans
  • Shackleton / Antarctica

We will write a script, collect images, film using greenscreening, narrate, edit, add titles and effects.

Week 1 LF Plan a short film

  • In groups, decide on a topic and aspects you want to include.
  • Create a rough sketch/storyboard of your film
  • Start writing the script
  • Find and save the images that you want

Week 2 LF Finish script and practise

Week 3 LF Film with a greenscreen, add backgrounds

Week 4 LF Put images and videos together, narrate

Week 5 LF Edit and add effects

Sep 122022


Salsibury Book cover 1

  1. Go to “my files”, “shared files”, your class folder
  2. Open Salisbury book cover
  3. Trace the outline and the three blocks using the rectangle tool
  4. Change the outline and fill to be the right colour
  5. Add the text
  6. Get the picture from shared pictures – crop and resize to the right size.
  7. Send it underneath using the layers buttons

Salisbury book covers 2 and 3

  1. Open “Salisbury book cover 2”
  2. Arrange the elemnts to match the book cover.
  3. You will nned to
    1. Crop the image = drag the blue squared on the sides/top/bottom
    2. Resize the image = drag the corner blue squares
    3. Resize the text

Finished? Have a go at Salisbury book cover 3

Salisbury book cover (with the reflection)

  • Go back to the first book cover.
  • Try to search Google images for a good image
  • Or, use the image in shared images in j2e5
  • For the text, use Cool Text
  • In j2e5 stretch the text to the right size by holding the “shift key as you drag.


Internet Research – code on the board.

Sep 012022

LF: j2e tools

  1. Go to “my files”, “shared files”, your class folder
  2. Open the Salisbury book cover and edit
  3. Use the tools in j2e to copy it as accurately as possible.


  1. Trace the shape of the cover.  Do the same for each rectangular block.   Break the problem down – DECOMPOSITION
  2. Finding the picture:  Use 3 OR 4 KEY SEARCH WORDS to find an exact picture match
  3. Copy and paste images from the Google Chrome (or drag onto j2e page)
  4. Choose fonts carefully
  5. Use layers (like a paper collage) = piles of paper tools bottom right
  6. Keep improving…

Useful tools…?

Stormbreaker sphere video:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=17c6qWtFTbxyR4Oob5jG59-uxL6naW2ti


Have you copied the book cover exactly?

  • Layout
  • Spacing
  • Colours
  • Pictures
  • Fonts
  • Positioning

Choose a contrasting book cover to copy.

What have you learned about good cover design?

May 092022

Activity 1 – Video: What is a mindmap?

Activity 2 – Explore Coggle tools

  • Explore the tools on Coggle by making a mind map called The World
    1. Go to Google Drive
    2. New – more – Coggle
    3. Name the central idea: The World
    4. Add main branches for the continents
    5. Add two countires as next branches for each continent (apart from Antarctica)
    6. Add some more branches – maybe cities or famous things about each country

Video instructions for activity 2

Activity 3 – Mind map from a text

  • Create a mindmap about…


Acrivity 4 – talk it through

The tes of a good min map is if you can use it to tell someone else about the subject or even better use it to remember the facts without having to look at it.

  1. Read your mind map several times
  2. Tell someone about Antarctica including all of the facts using your minmpa as a prompt.
  3. Turn your mind map over and see if you can remember the facts.
  4. Try again in a few days time – can you still remember the facts?

Activity 5 – beautify your mindmap

  1. Tidy up your mind map by dragging branches
  2. Try to make it
    1. compact – no big gaps
    2. fit the screen in a rectangle
  3. Add symbols
  4. Add pictures
    1. In Google
      1. Search for a simple picture – should be very simple, use the word “icon” or “clipart” in your search
      2. Save image as…
    2. In Coggle
      1. When typing, click the picture icon and find your picture on your computer
      2. Change the code at the end to 50×50 so your picture is small
  5. Look at a WAGOLL

Activity 6 – Success criteria

  • Information in correct branches – read your mind map to check it makes sense
  • Branches growing in one direction – not toopy
  • Branching/splitting – not one long line
  • Compact – fits the screen
  • Simple pictures – not photos

Activity 7 – Saving to j2e

  • Click download – image
  • Right hand click – copyvimage
  • Go to a new j2e5 page
  • Make it landscape and 50%
  • Paste – Ctrl-v
  • Make your mindmap as big as possible on your page , crop any spare
  • Save as “Antartica mind map”

Other topics:

The planets

Why are rivers important?

Follow on activities

  1. Add more information, pictures and symbols to you mind map
  2. Create a new mind mpa about another topic
  3. How many of these Coggle tools did you use?
    1. Resize text by dragging
    2. Add and delete branches
    3. Add a picture
    4. Add symbols
    5. RH-click to get branch options

15 Creative Mind Map Examples for Students

Mar 012022

Interland – if you have time, play this online safety game!

Jan 172022

Please leave a comment if you would like any help


1 Explore an example

2 The project

We are going to create an adventrue around a Roman Villa by using “hyperlinks” between pages in j2e5 – this is how website links work – you make something on the page into a button that sends the viewer to another place when you click on it.  These “buttons” could be pictures, text or even invisible areas on the page.  Where you send them could be another part of that page, a different page or even to play a sound clip.

Here is a starter project – you could find more pictures and add more pages:

3 How to create an invisible link (eg for a doorway)

  1. Draw a rectangle or any shape
  2. Select it and untick “outline” and “fill”
  3. Place it on the doorway or where you want to click
  4. Make sure it is selected (blue square)
  5. Click “link”
  6. Type for example “#page 3”
  7. Make sure it is the correct page number!  Click “ok”
  8. “View” to test it


  1. What’s the point of the game? Add an information box
    1. Include an instruction at the start
      1. Find the lost Roman necklace – leave clues…
      2. Find information about the Roman villa – have pop up info boxes using animate
  2. How to make an Information box appear
    1. Make an information box
    2. Select it then click “animate” (instead of “link”)
    3. Make it appear when it is clicked on or hovered over.
    4. Information box video
  3. Zoom into a picture
    1. Use the same picture but crop then enlarge to a detail
    2. Add something extra to the zoomed in page, eg a note, sign or clue
    3. Zoom into a picture video
  4. Include a sound
    1. Go to one of the garden pages
    2. Click on pictures then shared pictures
    3. Drag on the “calm garden” sound.
    4. Select it and tick: “autostart” and “loop”
    5. Send it to the bottom layer to hide.
    6. Add a sound – video instructions
  5. Record a sound 
    1. Click and “record sound”.  Record and save a sound.
    2. Add to page – you could set it to autostart or loop when the page is loaded.
    3. Or draw an invisible shape or select an picture
    4. Click “link” and “to sound” – “my sounds” and drag it into the box
    5. Record and link a sound video
  6. Website
    1. http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/houses/roman.htm

Success criteria

  • First page – Aim of the game – box
  • All rooms linked up
  • Aim – eg hidden item, answer to question
  • End – winning screen, losing screen – option to restart
  • Fade in between pages
  • Challenge
    • ** Secret tunnels
    • ** wrong turns
    • ** information boxes
    • l** link to info website eg primary homeork help Roman houses
    • ** Sound clips
    • ** What have players learned about the Romans/Roman houses by playing your game?