Jun 042015

Success steps

  1. watch example video tutorials;
  2. create a success criteria;
  3. leave a comment on this post;
  4. think of a simple skill to teach;
  5. practice and master the skill;
  6. plan the demonstration and commentary;
  7. give and receive feedback from learning partner;
  8. be resilient – act on feedback and keep improving.


  71 Responses to “Y6 LQ: What makes an effective video tutorial?”

  1. i think a successful video needs a title a into needs to explain what your going o do clearly and be very loud so they can hear what your saying also have your resources ready for instance have your website ready.

    • Do you have to be able to do what you’re doing?

      • Yes definitely! You need to practise it lots so you can do it and talk about it. However, make sure you don’t rush – someone learning for the first time may need you to take it slowly.

      • 1.use exspression.
        2.use a clear voice.
        3.use a bold title.
        4.inform the reader what you are doing.
        5.use corrent vocab.

      • We think that a good video needs:

        *Clear explanations
        *Easy to follow
        *Simple and short
        *Rehearse what you are going to say
        *Know how to do the thing you are doing your video on
        *Use time connectives
        *Make it interesting

      • George could of been more enthusiastic when he was talking. Could of explanied it more. Could of made it more harder.Could of made it shorter.

    • great ideas guys just either put it into numbered points or make it make sense.

    • 1) To make a good tutorial, you have to use bold colour’s to make it stand out.
      2) Additionally, you have to have a clear voice, so the listener can actually hear you.
      3) Adding to that, you need to make sure it’s interesting, otherwise the listener will get bored and not listen to it.
      4) Furthermore, you need to explain it very well
      5) Finally, you have to make sure you talk about what your tutorial is about.

  2. Start with a L.Q/title so it is the first thing you see.Also introduce yourself when it starts and don’t make the video too long.Make it easy to understand as if a Y3 was watching.

  3. A title at the start. Introduce the video. Have your resources ready. Explain what you’re doing. Make it detailed.

    • That is a good success criteria, but maybe you could say that you should speak clearly;not to fast.

    • we think your sc is really good and explains a lot and tells you clearly what to do but you could do the sc in more detail.

  4. Thank you for the videos. Maybe start with a title on the screen, and then make sure no one’s talking in the background, and, most importantly, know what your saying before you start the video and don’t go ‘Umm…’

  5. Succes Criteria for a video tutorial:
    Do not start on a random website (maybe on a title)
    A clear voice
    Explaining step by step
    Know how to do it first
    Maybe use some tips or shortcuts
    Make the video a suitable length
    End it well by saying something like ‘Bye’ or ‘That is how to …’

  6. A good video needs a opening title or LQ, it also needs clear instructions on how to do the task. The task must be set at a target of year threes so the task must be simple but effective.

  7. 1. you need a screen shot title at the begining of the video.
    2.you need an instuctive running comentary of what and how to do it.
    3. you need to speak loudly and clearly.

  8. Title,
    Information That You Can Understand,
    Do The Tutorial Your Self

    • Lilah and Aidan
      success criteria for making a video tutorial:
      1. Have expression in your voice
      2. Be loud and clear
      3. Make the tutorial informative, showing as well as talking it through
      4.Needs a title so people know what you’re talking about
      5. Explain step by step
      6. Have useful tips
      7. Go slow and make what you’re doing easy to follow

  9. Title,
    Good Video,
    Make it interesting.

  10. A successful video tutorial needs to include
    1. clear instructions
    2. it needs to be in the right language
    3. need a title that explains what the tutorial is demonstrating
    4. make it interesting
    5. it need to be helpful and not made up

  11. 1. A clear voice with expression.
    2. A bold title
    3.Know what you are doing
    4.Explain step by step
    5.Useful tips

  12. succsess criteria:
    -have a expressive and clear voice
    -have all your pages ready before the video
    – make sure you have a title
    – have some instructions ready so you don’t pause
    -make sure your topic is interesting!!

  13. To make a good video tutorial you need:
    A clear and expressive voice,
    A topic that your interested in,
    Step by step instructions
    and easy to follow

  14. 1.A loud voice with expressions.
    2. Information which is good.
    3.The reader should be able to under stand you.
    4.Know what you are doing.
    5.bold title.
    6.do it step by step.
    7.Try to do tips.

  15. . Easy to follow/understand
    . Clear, expressive voice
    . Short but informative
    . Clear explanation

  16. To make a successful video tutorial you need:
    Expression in your voice to make the tutorial interesting;
    To use imperative verbs e.g copy, cut and crop;
    To make the tutorial sound like instructions;
    To explain and elaborate with detail;
    To focus on one topic for your video;
    And to split up your video tutorial into parts so that the video is not too long

  17. 1.Has to be helpful!
    2.Needs clear title explaining what the video is about!
    3.Needs to be informative!
    4. Speek clearly so the listener knows what you are talking about!

  18. You must have a video to show what you are talking about. you must speak loudly. You must be confident or resilient. Plan your video out first. Use helpful hints, tips and tricks.

  19. 1: Bold title
    2: Clear and loud speech
    3: Detailed diagrams
    4: Informative instructions
    5: Keep it short but interesting

  20. 1.Keep it short and simple.
    2.Don’t over load it with information.
    3.Have a loud voice but not to loud.
    4.Clear instructions.
    5.Tell them what the tutorial is about.

  21. 1.Clear and loud voice.
    2. Simple to follow.
    3. Short but informative.
    4. Clear and bold title.
    5. Include useful tips.

  22. SC:
    1. Speak clearly and pronounce your words well.
    2. Keep it short and simple.
    3. Detailed diagrams if you are going to use them.
    4. Use imperative verbs.
    5. Give tips
    6. If it is hard to do go though it slowly

  23. Success critera:

    1. Talk clearly and loudly.
    2. Rehearse what you are going to say.
    3. Keep it short and simple.
    4. Make it easy to understand.
    5.Use time connectives and imperative verbs.

  24. 1. easy to understand
    3.clear voices
    4.detailed diagrams
    5.a bit to short
    6.clear instructions
    7.bold title

  25. This is what you need for a good video tutorial!

    1. Be loud and clear in the commentary.
    2. Have a clear and easy to follow demonstration.
    3. Explain what you are doing in the demonstration as clear as you can get it.
    4.Include useful tips and extra skills.
    5.Make your video short but informative.

  26. 1) Clear and loud voices.
    2) Easy to understand/ Clear instructions.
    3) Interesting to listen to.
    4) Have helpful top tips.
    5) Simple titles.

  27. Success Criteria:

    1.Speak loudly and clearly.
    2.Rehearse it.
    3.Use time connectives and imperative verbs.
    4.Short and simple.
    5.Step by step.

  28. I really enjoyed the videos but I could not understand him very well so I think he should speak slightly clearly.

    Speak clear
    make it more joyful
    have music in background for effect
    Keep people awake [interesting]

  29. What if it isn’t enough info.

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