Jun 032019

Week 3 – finishing

  • Intro (eg black screen, black with title, black)
  • Images with narration
    • Adjust volumes so info is clear
    • Adjust length of images to fit narration – with small gaps for music interlude (only a few seconds)
  • Credits
    • Written and presented by … (first names only)
    • St Mark’s C of E Junior School, Salisbury, 2019
    • Music [name of music] by Kevin MacLeod
    • Insert this picture: “incompetech.com   License: CC BY creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 (or include the slide from me)”

Week 2

By the end of today:

  • All pictures into iMovie
  • Including all blank/title/quote screens
  • Find backing music and email me
  • Narration in note form ready top start narrating next week


GMail app

  1. Log in
  2. At end of session – manage accounts – delete account

Google image search

  1. Swipe colours to the left to find usage rights – labelled for non commercial use

Week 1

  1. Choose your favourite topic from any year at St Mark’s
  2. Plan (use email to draft)
    1. Ideas
    2. Pictures (labelled for non commercial use; attach to email)
    3. Facts
    4. Intro
    5. Outro
    6. Script
    7. Music – look on incompetech.com for appropriate soundtrack music – email me the link
  3. Planning success – minimum
    1. 5 picures
    2. 5 pieces of information (in own words) t go with pictures
    3. music
  4. Produce iMovie (access email on iPad – don’t forget to remove account at end)
    1. Pictures
    2. Edit lengths
    3. Credits
    4. Title
    5. Music – incompetech.com
  5. Share
    1. Save
    2. Publish
    3. Promote
Apr 252019
  1. Darkness
    1. variable counting down
    2. Background brightness effect
  2. Movement
    1. follow mouse?
    2. arrow keys?
    3. left-right-jump? (+ platforms?)
  3. Lights out
  4. Disable movement at 0

Computational thinking

  1. Don’t panic! Understand the problem
    1. Game brief
    2. Q and A
  2. Simplify! (decomposition)
    1. Pick ONE part at a time
      1. Sky going dark
      2. Sprite moving UDLR
      3. Turn off lights when touched by sprite
  3. De ja vu?
    1. Have we done anything similar before?
    2. What Scratch blocks do you remember?
  4. Create a plan – algorithm
  5. Have a go…!

Game brief

A game company would like you to make a WW2 blackout themed computer game featuring, the landscape of a UK city threatened by the Blitz.  The aim is to put up blackout curtains in the daytime before nightfall so that the bombers will pass harmlessly overhead during the night.  Successive screen will become harder with more windows to cover and bigger buildings.  Wardens will be patrolling.  You may have to find or buy blackout material.  Depending on how completely you blackout the city, bombs will fall.  How long can you keep your city from being destroyed – a percentage score could drop after each night of bombing….


Apr 042019

Computational thinking

  1. Don’t panic! Understand the problem
    1. Game brief
    2. Q and A
  2. Simplify! (decomposition)
    1. Pick ONE part at a time
      1. Sky going dark
      2. Sprite moving UDLR
      3. Turn off lights when touched by sprite
  3. De ja vu?
    1. Have we done anything similar before?
    2. What Scratch blocks do you remember?
  4. Create a plan – algorithm
  5. Have a go…!

Game brief

A game company would like you to make a WW2 blackout themed computer game featuring, the landscape of a UK city threatened by the Blitz.  The aim is to put up blackout curtains in the daytime before nightfall so that the bombers will pass harmlessly overhead during the night.  Successive screen will become harder with more windows to cover and bigger buildings.  Wardens will be patrolling.  You may have to find or buy blackout material.  Depending on how completely you blackout the city, bombs will fall.  How long can you keep your city from being destroyed – a percentage score could drop after each night of bombing….


Feb 042019

Quick Activities

  • Drawing the Internet (whiteboard and pens)
  • Online Choices Compass
  • Digital Compass (Computer Room)
  • Interland

  • What would you do?
  • Who owns the Internet?
  • Rounds – Q+A

Videos to watch and discuss:

Safer Internet Day Website



Jan 242019
  1. Slide 1 title

  2. Slide 2 Three useful website

  3. Slide 3 Five questions


  1. Visit your Google Classroom to open the blank Slides
  2. Subject
    1. Choose a small subtopic for your presentation
    2. Add a title on the first slide
    3. Add more slides – choosing an appropriate layout
  3. Theme
    1. Choose a suitable theme
      1. If you are going to use picture backgrounds…
        1. Same one for all slides? Different
        2. Muted/darker?
        3. Images need to be “labelled for non-commercial reuse”
    2. ** Can you use a template? File – new – from template
      1. Can you save this in your Classroom folder in Google Drive? It needs to appear in my Classroom folder…
    3. Decide on fonts and colours
  4. Information
    1. Find at least three useful and reading/age-appropriate websites on the subject
    2. Paste the links on Slide 2 using bullet points
    3. Write 5 questions that you would like to answer on Slide 3
  5. Slides
    1. Plan each slide – give each slide a title
    2. Add information in your own words
  6. Images
    1. Search for images for your Slides
    2. Use search tools – usage rights – marked for non-commercial use



Jan 072019
  1. Go to Scratch:  https://scratch.mit.edu/
  2. Click “Start creating”
  3. Watch the intro video
    1. What is different in Scratch 3?
    2. What is the same?
    3. What did you remember? What is new to you?
  4. Click “Tutorials” – start with “Animate an adventure game”
  5. If you finish that one, develop it, or try another tutorial.
  6. How could you use Scratch for a topic based project?
  7. Save your work to your Google Drive.
  8. You could also try Y4 task – hyperlinked pages in Scratch – a way of setting up an interactive ebook with linked pages in scratch.


Nov 122018

Your idea

  • Content – what information are you going to give?  What style? Interview, conversation, Q+A…?
  • Image – what scene will you be infront of?
  • Keep it short, clear


  • Image – in Safari, find your image – select marked for reuse.  Save it to the camera roll.
  • Greenscreen app
    • Start new project
    • Top + = camera
    • Second + = image, from camera roll – choose the one you saved
    • Record


Sep 102018


  1. Look at Y3 post “Welcome to the Computer Room!”
    1. How would you rate yourselves this morning?
    2. Is there anything you would add for Y3s?  You could add as a comment


  • What would you like to achieve in Computing this year?

j2e5 skills

  1. In my files, shared files, open “j2e5 skills”
  2. Copy the objects exactly
    1. Y4 Open “food and farming book covers”, choose one book cover to copy.
    2. Y5  Open “stormbreaker cover” from shared files – can you make an exact copy using j2e tools…?
    3. Y6 Open “mayan book covers” – choose one book cover to copy exactly using j2e tools
  3. TIP 1 : start with the cover background colour and build it up in layers.  Break the problem down – decomposition
  4. TIP2: use 3 or 4 search words to find an exact picture match
